Disconnect some obsolete outlets.
[enjoyable.git] / Classes / NJKeyInputField.m
1 //
2 // NJKeyInputField.h
3 // Enjoyable
4 //
5 // Copyright 2013 Joe Wreschnig.
6 //
8 #import "NJKeyInputField.h"
10 #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
11 // Only used for kVK_... codes.
13 enum {
14 kVK_RightCommand = kVK_Command - 1,
15 kVK_Insert = 0x72,
16 kVK_Power = 0x7f,
17 kVK_ApplicationMenu = 0x6e,
18 kVK_MAX = 0xFFFF,
19 };
21 const CGKeyCode NJKeyInputFieldEmpty = kVK_MAX;
23 @implementation NJKeyInputField {
24 NSTextField *field;
25 NSImageView *warning;
26 }
28 - (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect {
29 if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect])) {
30 field = [[NSTextField alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds];
31 field.alignment = NSCenterTextAlignment;
32 field.editable = NO;
33 field.selectable = NO;
34 field.delegate = self;
35 [self addSubview:field];
37 warning = [[NSImageView alloc] init];
38 warning.image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"NSInvalidDataFreestanding"];
39 CGSize imgSize = warning.image.size;
40 CGRect bounds = self.bounds;
41 warning.frame = CGRectMake(bounds.size.width - (imgSize.width + 4),
42 (bounds.size.height - imgSize.height) / 2,
43 imgSize.width, imgSize.height);
45 warning.toolTip = NSLocalizedString(@"invalid key code",
46 @"shown when the user types an invalid key code");
47 warning.hidden = YES;
48 [self addSubview:warning];
49 }
50 return self;
51 }
53 - (void)clear {
54 self.keyCode = NJKeyInputFieldEmpty;
55 [self.delegate keyInputFieldDidClear:self];
56 [self resignIfFirstResponder];
57 }
59 - (BOOL)hasKeyCode {
60 return self.keyCode != NJKeyInputFieldEmpty;
61 }
63 + (NSString *)stringForKeyCode:(CGKeyCode)keyCode {
64 switch (keyCode) {
65 case kVK_F1: return @"F1";
66 case kVK_F2: return @"F2";
67 case kVK_F3: return @"F3";
68 case kVK_F4: return @"F4";
69 case kVK_F5: return @"F5";
70 case kVK_F6: return @"F6";
71 case kVK_F7: return @"F7";
72 case kVK_F8: return @"F8";
73 case kVK_F9: return @"F9";
74 case kVK_F10: return @"F10";
75 case kVK_F11: return @"F11";
76 case kVK_F12: return @"F12";
77 case kVK_F13: return @"F13";
78 case kVK_F14: return @"F14";
79 case kVK_F15: return @"F15";
80 case kVK_F16: return @"F16";
81 case kVK_F17: return @"F17";
82 case kVK_F18: return @"F18";
83 case kVK_F19: return @"F19";
84 case kVK_F20: return @"F20";
86 case kVK_Escape: return @"⎋";
87 case kVK_ANSI_Grave: return @"`";
89 case kVK_ANSI_1: return @"1";
90 case kVK_ANSI_2: return @"2";
91 case kVK_ANSI_3: return @"3";
92 case kVK_ANSI_4: return @"4";
93 case kVK_ANSI_5: return @"5";
94 case kVK_ANSI_6: return @"6";
95 case kVK_ANSI_7: return @"7";
96 case kVK_ANSI_8: return @"8";
97 case kVK_ANSI_9: return @"9";
98 case kVK_ANSI_0: return @"0";
99 case kVK_ANSI_Minus: return @"-";
100 case kVK_ANSI_Equal: return @"=";
102 case kVK_Function: return @"Fn";
103 case kVK_CapsLock: return @"⇪";
104 case kVK_Command: return NSLocalizedString(@"Left ⌘", @"keyboard key");
105 case kVK_RightCommand: return NSLocalizedString(@"Right ⌘", @"keyboard key");
106 case kVK_Option: return NSLocalizedString(@"Left ⌥", @"keyboard key");
107 case kVK_RightOption: return NSLocalizedString(@"Right ⌥", @"keyboard key");
108 case kVK_Control: return NSLocalizedString(@"Left ⌃", @"keyboard key");
109 case kVK_RightControl: return NSLocalizedString(@"Right ⌃", @"keyboard key");
110 case kVK_Shift: return NSLocalizedString(@"Left ⇧", @"keyboard key");
111 case kVK_RightShift: return NSLocalizedString(@"Right ⇧", @"keyboard key");
113 case kVK_Home: return @"↖";
114 case kVK_PageUp: return @"⇞";
115 case kVK_End: return @"↘";
116 case kVK_PageDown: return @"⇟";
118 case kVK_ForwardDelete: return @"⌦";
119 case kVK_Delete: return @"⌫";
121 case kVK_Tab: return @"⇥";
122 case kVK_Return: return @"↩";
123 case kVK_Space: return @"␣";
125 case kVK_ANSI_A: return @"A";
126 case kVK_ANSI_B: return @"B";
127 case kVK_ANSI_C: return @"C";
128 case kVK_ANSI_D: return @"D";
129 case kVK_ANSI_E: return @"E";
130 case kVK_ANSI_F: return @"F";
131 case kVK_ANSI_G: return @"G";
132 case kVK_ANSI_H: return @"H";
133 case kVK_ANSI_I: return @"I";
134 case kVK_ANSI_J: return @"J";
135 case kVK_ANSI_K: return @"K";
136 case kVK_ANSI_L: return @"L";
137 case kVK_ANSI_M: return @"M";
138 case kVK_ANSI_N: return @"N";
139 case kVK_ANSI_O: return @"O";
140 case kVK_ANSI_P: return @"P";
141 case kVK_ANSI_Q: return @"Q";
142 case kVK_ANSI_R: return @"R";
143 case kVK_ANSI_S: return @"S";
144 case kVK_ANSI_T: return @"T";
145 case kVK_ANSI_U: return @"U";
146 case kVK_ANSI_V: return @"V";
147 case kVK_ANSI_W: return @"W";
148 case kVK_ANSI_X: return @"X";
149 case kVK_ANSI_Y: return @"Y";
150 case kVK_ANSI_Z: return @"Z";
151 case kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket: return @"[";
152 case kVK_ANSI_RightBracket: return @"]";
153 case kVK_ANSI_Backslash: return @"\\";
154 case kVK_ANSI_Semicolon: return @";";
155 case kVK_ANSI_Quote: return @"'";
156 case kVK_ANSI_Comma: return @",";
157 case kVK_ANSI_Period: return @".";
158 case kVK_ANSI_Slash: return @"/";
160 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad0: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 0", @"numeric pad key");
161 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad1: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 1", @"numeric pad key");
162 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad2: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 2", @"numeric pad key");
163 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad3: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 3", @"numeric pad key");
164 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad4: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 4", @"numeric pad key");
165 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad5: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 5", @"numeric pad key");
166 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad6: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 6", @"numeric pad key");
167 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad7: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 7", @"numeric pad key");
168 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad8: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 8", @"numeric pad key");
169 case kVK_ANSI_Keypad9: return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad 9", @"numeric pad key");
170 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear: return @"⌧";
171 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter: return @"⌤";
173 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadEquals:
174 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad =", @"numeric pad key");
175 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide:
176 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad /", @"numeric pad key");
177 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply:
178 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad *", @"numeric pad key");
179 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus:
180 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad -", @"numeric pad key");
181 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadPlus:
182 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad +", @"numeric pad key");
183 case kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal:
184 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad .", @"numeric pad key");
186 case kVK_LeftArrow: return @"←";
187 case kVK_RightArrow: return @"→";
188 case kVK_UpArrow: return @"↑";
189 case kVK_DownArrow: return @"↓";
191 case kVK_JIS_Yen: return @"¥";
192 case kVK_JIS_Underscore: return @"_";
193 case kVK_JIS_KeypadComma:
194 return NSLocalizedString(@"Key Pad ,", @"numeric pad key");
195 case kVK_JIS_Eisu: return @"英数";
196 case kVK_JIS_Kana: return @"かな";
198 case kVK_Power: return @"⌽";
199 case kVK_VolumeUp: return @"🔊";
200 case kVK_VolumeDown: return @"🔉";
202 case kVK_Insert:
203 return NSLocalizedString(@"Insert", "keyboard key");
204 case kVK_ApplicationMenu:
205 return NSLocalizedString(@"Menu", "keyboard key");
208 case kVK_MAX: // NJKeyInputFieldEmpty
209 return @"";
210 default:
211 return [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:
212 NSLocalizedString(@"key 0x%x", @"unknown key code"),
213 keyCode];
214 }
215 }
217 - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
218 return self.isEnabled;
219 }
221 - (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder {
222 field.backgroundColor = NSColor.selectedTextBackgroundColor;
223 return [super becomeFirstResponder];
224 }
226 - (BOOL)resignFirstResponder {
227 field.backgroundColor = NSColor.textBackgroundColor;
228 return [super resignFirstResponder];
229 }
231 - (void)setKeyCode:(CGKeyCode)keyCode {
232 _keyCode = keyCode;
233 field.stringValue = [NJKeyInputField stringForKeyCode:keyCode];
234 }
236 - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event {
237 static const NSUInteger IGNORE = NSAlternateKeyMask | NSCommandKeyMask;
238 if (!event.isARepeat) {
239 if ((event.modifierFlags & IGNORE) && event.keyCode == kVK_Delete) {
240 // Allow Alt/Command+Delete to clear the field.
241 self.keyCode = NJKeyInputFieldEmpty;
242 [self.delegate keyInputFieldDidClear:self];
243 } else if (!(event.modifierFlags & IGNORE)) {
244 self.keyCode = event.keyCode;
245 [self.delegate keyInputField:self didChangeKey:self.keyCode];
246 }
247 [self resignIfFirstResponder];
248 }
249 }
251 static BOOL isValidKeyCode(long code) {
252 return code < 0xFFFF && code >= 0;
253 }
255 - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)obj {
256 char *error = NULL;
257 long code = strtol(field.stringValue.UTF8String, &error, 16);
258 warning.hidden = (isValidKeyCode(code) && !*error) || !field.stringValue.length;
259 }
261 - (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)obj {
262 [field.cell setPlaceholderString:@""];
263 field.editable = NO;
264 field.selectable = NO;
265 warning.hidden = YES;
266 char *error = NULL;
267 const char *s = field.stringValue.UTF8String;
268 long code = strtol(s, &error, 16);
270 if (!*error && isValidKeyCode(code) && field.stringValue.length) {
271 self.keyCode = code;
272 [self.delegate keyInputField:self didChangeKey:self.keyCode];
273 } else {
274 self.keyCode = self.keyCode;
275 }
276 }
278 - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
279 if (self.isEnabled) {
280 if (theEvent.modifierFlags & NSCommandKeyMask) {
281 field.editable = YES;
282 field.selectable = YES;
283 field.stringValue = @"";
284 [field.cell setPlaceholderString:
285 NSLocalizedString(@"enter key code",
286 @"shown when user must enter a key code to map to")];
287 [self.window makeFirstResponder:field];
288 } else {
289 if (self.window.firstResponder == self)
290 [self.window makeFirstResponder:nil];
291 else if (self.acceptsFirstResponder)
292 [self.window makeFirstResponder:self];
293 }
294 }
295 }
297 - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
298 // Many keys are only available on MacBook keyboards by using the
299 // Fn modifier key (e.g. Fn+Left for Home), so delay processing
300 // modifiers until the up event is received in order to let the
301 // user type these virtual keys. However, there is no actual event
302 // for modifier key up - so detect it by checking to see if any
303 // modifiers are still down.
304 if (!field.isEditable
305 && !(theEvent.modifierFlags & NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask)) {
306 self.keyCode = theEvent.keyCode;
307 [self.delegate keyInputField:self didChangeKey:_keyCode];
308 }
309 }
311 @end