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[yuu.git] / test / spec / yuu / storage.js
1 var JS = this.JS || require('jstest');
2 require('yuu/pre');
3 var ystorage = require('yuu/storage');
5 JS.Test.describe('ystorage', function () { with (this) {
6 JS.Test.describe("PrefixedStorage", function () { with (this) {
7 before(function () {
8 this.backend = new ystorage.FakeStorage();
9 this.a = new ystorage.PrefixedStorage(this.backend, "a");
10 this.b = new ystorage.PrefixedStorage(this.backend, "b");
11 this.c1 = new ystorage.PrefixedStorage(this.backend, "c");
12 this.c2 = new ystorage.PrefixedStorage(this.backend, "c");
13 });
15 it('starts empty', function () { with (this) {
16 assertEqual(0, this.backend.length);
17 assertEqual(0, this.a.length);
18 assertEqual(0, this.b.length);
19 assertEqual(0, this.c1.length);
20 assertEqual(0, this.c2.length);
21 assertEqual(null, this.backend.key(0));
22 assertEqual(null, this.a.key(0));
23 assertEqual(null, this.b.key(0));
24 assertEqual(null, this.c1.key(0));
25 assertEqual(null, this.c2.key(0));
26 }});
28 it('stores and retrieves a value', function () { with (this) {
29 this.a.setItem("key", "value");
30 assertEqual(1, this.backend.length);
31 assertEqual(1, this.a.length);
32 assertEqual(0, this.b.length);
33 assertEqual(0, this.c1.length);
34 assertEqual(0, this.c2.length);
35 assertEqual("a -- key", this.backend.key(0));
36 assertEqual("key", this.a.key(0));
37 assertEqual(null, this.b.key(0));
38 assertEqual(null, this.c1.key(0));
39 assertEqual(null, this.c2.key(0));
40 }});
42 it('avoids other values when clearing', function () { with (this) {
43 this.a.setItem("key", "value a");
44 this.b.setItem("key", "value b");
45 assertEqual(2, this.backend.length);
46 assertEqual(1, this.a.length);
47 assertEqual(1, this.b.length);
48 this.a.clear();
49 assertEqual(1, this.backend.length);
50 assertEqual(0, this.a.length);
51 assertEqual(1, this.b.length);
52 assertEqual(null, this.a.key(0));
53 assertEqual(null, this.a.getItem("key"));
54 assertEqual("key", this.b.key(0));
55 assertEqual("value b", this.b.getItem("key"));
56 }});
58 it('shares with the same prefix', function () { with (this) {
59 this.c1.setItem("key", "value");
60 assertEqual("key", this.c1.key(0));
61 assertEqual("key", this.c2.key(0));
62 assertEqual("value", this.c1.getItem("key"));
63 assertEqual("value", this.c2.getItem("key"));
64 }});
66 }});
68 JS.Test.describe("PrefixedStorage", function () { with (this) {
69 it('stores objects', function () { with (this) {
70 var storage = new ystorage.Storage();
71 assertEqual(undefined, storage.getObject("key"));
72 storage.setObject("key", [1, 2, 3]);
73 assertEqual([1, 2, 3], storage.getObject("key"));
74 }});
75 it('handles defaults', function () { with (this) {
76 var storage = new ystorage.Storage(null, {
77 'should be null': null,
78 'should be undefined': undefined,
79 'should be false': false
80 });
81 assertEqual(null, storage.getObject('should be null'));
82 assertEqual(false, storage.getObject('should be false'));
83 assertEqual(undefined, storage.getObject('should be undefined'));
84 assertEqual(undefined, storage.getObject('should not exist'));
85 }});
86 it('handles fallbacks', function () { with (this) {
87 var storage = new ystorage.Storage();
88 assertEqual(undefined, storage.getObject('?', undefined));
89 assertEqual(null, storage.getObject('?', null));
90 assertEqual(false, storage.getObject('?', false));
91 }});
92 it('prefers defaults to fallbacks', function () { with (this) {
93 var storage = new ystorage.Storage(null, {
94 'should be null': null,
95 'should be undefined': undefined,
96 'should be false': false
97 });
98 assertEqual(null, storage.getObject('should be null', 0));
99 assertEqual(false, storage.getObject('should be false', 0));
100 assertEqual(undefined, storage.getObject('should be undefined', 0));
101 assertEqual(0, storage.getObject('should not exist', 0));
102 }});
103 it('keeps defaults', function () { with (this) {
104 var storage = new ystorage.Storage(null, { a: 'a' });
105 assertEqual('a', storage.getObject('a'));
106 storage.setObject('a', 'b');
107 assertEqual('b', storage.getObject('a'));
108 storage.removeObject('a');
109 assertEqual('a', storage.getObject('a'));
110 }});
111 }})
113 }});