From: Joe Wreschnig Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:52:12 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Initial import. X-Git-Url:;a=commitdiff_plain;h=afa333cc21448a506fc3417306b09c0f0b98862c Initial import. --- afa333cc21448a506fc3417306b09c0f0b98862c diff --git a/LGPL-3 b/LGPL-3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65c5ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/LGPL-3 @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + + This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates +the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public +License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below. + + 0. Additional Definitions. + + As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU +General Public License. + + "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, +other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below. + + An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided +by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. +Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode +of using an interface provided by the Library. + + A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an +Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library +with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked +Version". + + The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the +Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code +for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are +based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version. + + The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the +object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data +and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the +Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work. + + 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License +without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL. + + 2. Conveying Modified Versions. + + If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a +facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application +that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the +facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified +version: + + a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to + ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the + function or data, the facility still operates, and performs + whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or + + b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of + this License applicable to that copy. + + 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files. + + The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from +a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object +code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated +material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure +layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates +(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the + Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + 4. Combined Works. + + You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, +taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the +portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of +the following: + + a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that + the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are + covered by this License. + + b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license + document. + + c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during + execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among + these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the + copies of the GNU GPL and this license document. + + d) Do one of the following: + + 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this + License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form + suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to + recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of + the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the + manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying + Corresponding Source. + + 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time + a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer + system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version + of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked + Version. + + e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise + be required to provide such information under section 6 of the + GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is + necessary to install and execute a modified version of the + Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the + Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If + you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany + the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application + Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation + Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL + for conveying Corresponding Source.) + + 5. Combined Libraries. + + You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side by side in a single library together with other library +facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this +License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your +choice, if you do both of the following: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based + on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, + conveyed under the terms of this License. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it + is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the + accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new +versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may +differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version +of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version" +applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that published version or of any later version +published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you +received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser +General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser +General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide +whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall +apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is +permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the +Library. diff --git a/audio/hchord_a2.mp3 b/audio/hchord_a2.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1699b1e Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/hchord_a2.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/hchord_a2.ogg b/audio/hchord_a2.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65ab0b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/hchord_a2.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/hchord_a2.wav b/audio/hchord_a2.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c05fe4 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/hchord_a2.wav differ diff --git 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mode 100644 index 0000000..8f2ad16 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_b5.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_b6.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_b6.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23dbff1 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_b6.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_b6.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_b6.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a1d1d8 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_b6.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_b6.wav b/audio/l_hchord_b6.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28b8c10 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_b6.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_bb2.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_bb2.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7b73a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_bb2.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_bb2.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_bb2.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..448cc43 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_bb2.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_bb2.wav b/audio/l_hchord_bb2.wav new file mode 100644 index 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mode 100644 index 0000000..dcdced2 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_d6.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_d6.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_d6.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5d9f2f Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_d6.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_d6.wav b/audio/l_hchord_d6.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d33248 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_d6.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_d7.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_d7.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50ea67b Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_d7.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_d7.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_d7.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6e6d6d Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_d7.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_d7.wav b/audio/l_hchord_d7.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8d29c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_d7.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_db3.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_db3.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 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a/audio/l_hchord_eb3.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_eb3.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fe7a7a Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb3.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb3.wav b/audio/l_hchord_eb3.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65de6bb Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb3.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb4.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_eb4.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d453ede Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb4.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb4.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_eb4.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cfa4ca Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb4.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb4.wav b/audio/l_hchord_eb4.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..453ede6 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb4.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb5.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_eb5.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d1d934 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb5.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb5.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_eb5.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef0557b Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb5.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb5.wav b/audio/l_hchord_eb5.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ddf57a Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb5.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb6.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_eb6.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3393f88 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb6.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb6.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_eb6.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddf7318 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb6.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb6.wav b/audio/l_hchord_eb6.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cec816 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb6.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb7.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_eb7.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e42ce72 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb7.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb7.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_eb7.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0557391 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb7.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_eb7.wav b/audio/l_hchord_eb7.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfe20ee Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_eb7.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f2.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_f2.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b29723a Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f2.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f2.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_f2.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d515d11 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f2.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f2.wav b/audio/l_hchord_f2.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da7d3a5 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f2.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f3.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_f3.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5bb303 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f3.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f3.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_f3.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d83d0b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f3.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f3.wav b/audio/l_hchord_f3.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9dc8d90 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f3.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f4.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_f4.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecbf4ac Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f4.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f4.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_f4.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8608b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f4.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f4.wav b/audio/l_hchord_f4.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..248a440 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f4.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f5.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_f5.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35c56c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f5.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f5.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_f5.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6588bfb Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f5.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f5.wav b/audio/l_hchord_f5.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d71ca5 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f5.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f6.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_f6.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..910a1e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f6.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f6.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_f6.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3628090 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f6.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f6.wav b/audio/l_hchord_f6.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..148f2b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f6.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f7.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_f7.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5bb8466 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f7.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f7.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_f7.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..345d2a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f7.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_f7.wav b/audio/l_hchord_f7.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18c776c Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_f7.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g2.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_g2.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aabe84d Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g2.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g2.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_g2.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48c5ec4 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g2.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g2.wav b/audio/l_hchord_g2.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65ab126 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g2.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g3.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_g3.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd3e83e Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g3.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g3.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_g3.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..603a076 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g3.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g3.wav b/audio/l_hchord_g3.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04055b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g3.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g4.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_g4.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29655e7 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g4.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g4.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_g4.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57a430d Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g4.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g4.wav b/audio/l_hchord_g4.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f152341 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g4.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g5.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_g5.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd7e701 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g5.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g5.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_g5.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4b2a3d Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g5.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g5.wav b/audio/l_hchord_g5.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46544cd Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g5.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g6.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_g6.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54e0469 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g6.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g6.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_g6.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef58105 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g6.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_g6.wav b/audio/l_hchord_g6.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f141532 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_g6.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb2.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_gb2.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5153ef2 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb2.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb2.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_gb2.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ea0c31 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb2.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb2.wav b/audio/l_hchord_gb2.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..214d315 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb2.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb3.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_gb3.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d11457a Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb3.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb3.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_gb3.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9498791 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb3.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb3.wav b/audio/l_hchord_gb3.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6fd080 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb3.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb4.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_gb4.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a27d02 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb4.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb4.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_gb4.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5730339 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb4.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb4.wav b/audio/l_hchord_gb4.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10991f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb4.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb5.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_gb5.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..caae50c Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb5.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb5.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_gb5.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0bff28e Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb5.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb5.wav b/audio/l_hchord_gb5.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e682fa6 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb5.wav differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb6.mp3 b/audio/l_hchord_gb6.mp3 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9fd7b1 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb6.mp3 differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb6.ogg b/audio/l_hchord_gb6.ogg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6221e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb6.ogg differ diff --git a/audio/l_hchord_gb6.wav b/audio/l_hchord_gb6.wav new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25badcf Binary files /dev/null and b/audio/l_hchord_gb6.wav differ diff --git a/game-noaudio.html b/game-noaudio.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34ca0d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/game-noaudio.html @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + Matrix Creatrix + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + This game requires HTML Canvas support. + +
+ + + + + +
+ The job of a goddess is tricky. Gather elements from + the void to fashion worlds full + of air + and water, + supporting life. Create as many as you + can. Find all life a home to move onto + the next plane of existence. +
+ An entry + in Ludum + Dare 23.
Made + with Perlenspiel. +
+ + diff --git a/game.css b/game.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..463c552 --- /dev/null +++ b/game.css @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Public domain. */ + +div#instructions { + color: white; + text-align: center; + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +div#header { + color: #eee; + text-align: center; + font-family: sans-serif; + font-size: 0.7em; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + +div#header a { + color: #eee; +} + +div#myfooter { + color: #bbb; + text-align: center; + font-family: sans-serif; + font-size: 0.7em; + margin-top: 2em; +} + +div#myfooter a { + color: #bbb; +} + { color: #9f9; } +span.water { color: #99f; } +span.air { color: #ff9; } +span.void { color: #f9f; } diff --git a/game.html b/game.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86c2736 --- /dev/null +++ b/game.html @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + + + Matrix Creatrix + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + This game requires HTML Canvas support. + +
+ + + + + +
+ The job of a goddess is tricky. Gather elements from + the void to fashion worlds full + of air + and water, + supporting life. Create as many as you + can. Find all life a home to move onto + the next plane of existence. +
+ An entry + in Ludum + Dare 23.
Made + with Perlenspiel. +
+ + diff --git a/game.js b/game.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b82aef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/game.js @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +"use strict"; + +/* By Joe Wreschnig + Placed in the public domain. + + This code is designed for use with Perlenspiel, by Brian Moriarty, + which is released under the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3 or + later. + */ + + +/*global PS */ + +var EARTH = 0x00FF00; +var WATER = 0x0000FF; +var FIRE = 0xFF0000; +var WIND = 0xFFFF00; + +var VOID = 0x330033; + +var SELECTED = 0x222222; + +var DISABLE_PROMPT = 3; + +var X_SIZE = 12; +var Y_SIZE = 9; + +var AUDIO_MAX = 57; +var AUDIO_LOUD = 0.7; +var AUDIO_QUIET = 0.4; + +var selecting = false; +var score = 0; +var level = 1; + +var proportions = [ + EARTH, + WATER, WATER, + FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, + WIND, WIND, + VOID, VOID, + EARTH, +]; + +var level_modifier = [FIRE, VOID]; + +function couldFinishWorldSound(score, size) { + score = PS.Random(score) + score; + if (score + 18 > AUDIO_MAX) + score = AUDIO_MAX - 18; + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(score, false), AUDIO_QUIET); + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(score + 6, false), AUDIO_QUIET); + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(score + 18, false), AUDIO_QUIET); +} + +function finishWorldSound(score, size) { + score = PS.Random(score) + score; + if (score + 18 > AUDIO_MAX) + score = AUDIO_MAX - 18; + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(score, true), AUDIO_LOUD); + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(score + 6, true), AUDIO_LOUD); + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(score + 18, true), AUDIO_LOUD); +} + +function levelUpSound(level) { + if (level + 44 > AUDIO_MAX) + level = AUDIO_MAX - 44; + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(20 + level, true), AUDIO_LOUD); + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(28 + level, true), AUDIO_LOUD); + PS.AudioPlay(PS.Harpsichord(44 + level, true), AUDIO_LOUD); +} + +function select(x, y) { + if (PS.BeadBorderColor(x, y) != SELECTED) { + var invalid = checkInvalidReason(); + PS.BeadBorderColor(x, y, SELECTED); + PS.BeadBorderWidth(x, y, 4); + if (invalid && !checkInvalidReason()) + couldFinishWorldSound(score, 0); + } +} + +function deselect(x, y) { + PS.BeadBorderColor(x, y, PS.DEFAULT); + PS.BeadBorderWidth(x, y, PS.DEFAULT); +} + +function shuffle(a) { + for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) { + var j = PS.Random(i) - 1; + var tmp = a[j]; + a[j] = a[i]; + a[i] = tmp; + } + return a; +} + +function countBoard(evenUnselected) { + var b = { fire: 0, earth: 0, water: 0, wind: 0, nothing: 0, total: 0 }; + for (var x = 0; x < X_SIZE; ++x) { + for (var y = 0; y < Y_SIZE; ++y) { + if (evenUnselected || isSelected(x, y)) { + var color = PS.BeadColor(x, y); + if (color == FIRE); + if (color == EARTH); + if (color == WATER) b.water++; + if (color == WIND) b.wind++; + if (color == VOID) b.nothing++; +; + } + } + } + return b; +} + +function isSelected(x, y) { + return (x >= 0 && x < X_SIZE + && y >= 0 && y < Y_SIZE + && PS.BeadBorderColor(x, y) == SELECTED); +} + +function onlySelected(x, y) { + return isSelected(x, y) && countBoard().total == 1; +} + +function checkAdjacent(x, y) { + return (isSelected(x, y) + || isSelected(x - 1, y) + || isSelected(x + 1, y) + || isSelected(x, y - 1) + || isSelected(x, y + 1)); +} + +function createBoard() { + var nothing = countBoard(true).nothing; + var b = []; + for (var y = 0; y < nothing; ++y) { + b.push(proportions[y % proportions.length]); + } + b = shuffle(b); + var j = 0; + for (var x = 0; x < X_SIZE; ++x) + for (var y = 0; y < Y_SIZE; ++y) + if (PS.BeadColor(x, y) == VOID) + PS.BeadColor(x, y, b[j++]); +} + +function checkInvalidReason() { + var b = countBoard(); + if ( == 1 && { + return ["[Fire] Counter its heat with water", 0xFF9999]; + } else if ( == 1 && { + return ["[Life] Lifeless worlds are pointless", 0x99FF99]; + } else if ( == 1 && b.water) { + return ["[Water] Quench both thirst and fire", 0x9999FF]; + } else if ( == 1 && b.wind) { + return ["[Air] Habitable worlds need air", 0xFFFF99]; + } else if ( == 1 && b.nothing) { + return ["[Void] Don't use too much...", 0xFF99FF]; + } else if ( == 0 && score == 0) { + return ["Click and drag to make a world", 0xFFFFFF]; + } else if ( && < 3 && score < DISABLE_PROMPT) { + return ["Select more elements to make a world", 0xFFFFFF]; + } else if ( < 3) { + var s = "Worlds created: " + score; + if (level > 1) + s = "Plane " + level + " / " + s; + return [s, 0xFFFFFF]; + } + + if ( == 0) + return ["This world wouldn't have any life!", 0x99FF99]; + + if (b.water == 0) + return ["Life needs water to drink!", 0x9999FF]; + + if (b.wind == 0) + return ["Life needs air to breathe!", 0xFFFF99]; + + if (b.nothing >= (b.water + * 2 + + b.wind)) + return ["Your world has too much nothing!", 0xFF99FF]; + + if (b.water < + return ["Your world is burning!", 0xFF9999]; + + return null; +} + +function statusUpdate() { + var res = checkInvalidReason(); + if (!res) + res = ["Click to create a world", 0xFFFFFF]; + PS.StatusText(res[0]); + PS.StatusColor(res[1]); +} + +PS.Init = function () { + var path = window.location.href; + PS.AudioPath(path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/audio/"); + PS.Clock(100); + PS.GridSize(X_SIZE, Y_SIZE); + PS.GridBGColor(VOID); + PS.BeadShow(PS.ALL, PS.ALL, true); + PS.BeadColor(PS.ALL, PS.ALL, VOID); + createBoard(); + statusUpdate(); +}; + +PS.Click = function (x, y, data) { + if (onlySelected(x, y)) { + deselect(x, y); + } else if (isSelected(x, y) && !checkInvalidReason()) { + var size = 0; + for (var x = 0; x < X_SIZE; ++x) { + for (var y = 0; y < Y_SIZE; ++y) { + if (isSelected(x, y)) { + PS.BeadColor(x, y, VOID); + ++size; + } + } + } + deselect(PS.ALL, PS.ALL); + finishWorldSound(++score, size); + } else if (checkAdjacent(x, y) && !isSelected(x, y)) { + select(x, y); + selecting = true; + } else { + deselect(PS.ALL, PS.ALL); + selecting = true; + select(x, y); + } + statusUpdate(); + var b = countBoard(true); + if ( == 0) { + proportions.push.apply(proportions, level_modifier); + createBoard(); + levelUpSound(++level); + + var b = countBoard(true); + if ( == 0) { + PS.StatusText("All life thanks you! Final score: " + score); + } else { + PS.StatusText("Now try a more dangerous universe!"); + } + PS.StatusColor(0xFFFFFF); + } +}; + +PS.Release = function (x, y, data) { + selecting = false; +}; + +PS.Enter = function (x, y, data) { + if (selecting && checkAdjacent(x, y)) { + select(x, y); + statusUpdate(); + } else { + selecting = false; + } +}; + +PS.Leave = function (x, y, data) { +}; + +PS.KeyDown = function (key, shift, ctrl) { +}; + +PS.KeyUp = function (key, shift, ctrl) { +}; + +PS.Wheel = function (dir) { +}; + +// Chrome and Firefox bug out when asked to preload 114 files at once. +var loaded = 0; +PS.Tick = function () { + if (++loaded <= AUDIO_MAX) { + PS.AudioLoad(PS.Harpsichord(loaded)); + PS.AudioLoad(PS.Harpsichord(loaded, true)); + } else { + PS.Clock(0); + } +}; diff --git a/noaudio.js b/noaudio.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12ac918 --- /dev/null +++ b/noaudio.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +PS.AudioPlay = function() { return null; } +PS.AudioLoad = function() { return 0; } +PS.AudioPause = function() { return 0; } +PS.AudioStop = function() { return 0; } diff --git a/ps.css b/ps.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03b757b --- /dev/null +++ b/ps.css @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +body +{ + color: rgb(0,0,0); + background-color: white; + width: 512px; + margin: 0 auto; +} + +#status +{ + width: 480px; + font-family: "Arial", San-Serif; + font-size: 18pt; + text-align: center; + border: 0; + margin-top: 32px; + margin-bottom: 16px; +} + +#inbox +{ + text-align: left; +} + +#monitor +{ + text-align: left; +} + +#footer +{ + color: #000000; + width: 480px; + font-family: "Arial", San-Serif; + font-size: 9pt; + text-align: center; +} + +b +{ + color: black; +} + +.normal +{ + color: gray; + font-size: 12pt; + font-style: normal; +} + +.large +{ + color: gray; + font-size: 24pt; + font-style: normal; +} + +.tiny +{ + color: gray; + font-size: 8pt; + font-style: normal; +} + +a:link +{ + color: rgb(0,0,0); +} + +a:visited +{ + color: rgb(0,0,0); +} diff --git a/ps2.1.js b/ps2.1.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b94d801 --- /dev/null +++ b/ps2.1.js @@ -0,0 +1,4221 @@ +// ps2.1.js for Perlenspiel 2.1 + +/* +Perlenspiel is a scheme by Professor Moriarty ( +Perlenspiel is Copyright © 2009-12 Worcester Polytechnic Institute. +This file is part of Perlenspiel. + +Perlenspiel is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published +by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +(at your option) any later version. + +Perlenspiel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + +You may have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +along with Perlenspiel. If not, see . +*/ + +// The following comments are for JSLint + +/*global document, window, Audio, Image */ + +// Global namespace variable + +var PS = { + + // Constants + + VERSION: "2.1.00", + DEFAULT: -1, // use default value + CURRENT: -2, // use current value + ALL: -3, // Use all rows or columns + ERROR: "*ERROR*", // generic error return value + CANVAS_SIZE: 480, // max width/height of canvas + GRID_MAX: 32, // max x/y dimensions of grid + GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH: 8, + GRID_DEFAULT_HEIGHT: 8, + DEFAULT_BEAD_COLOR: 0x000000, + DEFAULT_BEAD_RED: 0x00, + DEFAULT_BEAD_GREEN: 0x00, + DEFAULT_BEAD_BLUE: 0x00, + DEFAULT_BG_COLOR: 0xFFFFFF, + DEFAULT_BG_RED: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_BG_GREEN: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_BG_BLUE: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR: 0x808080, + DEFAULT_BORDER_RED: 0x80, + DEFAULT_BORDER_GREEN: 0x80, + DEFAULT_BORDER_BLUE: 0x80, + DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH: 1, + BORDER_WIDTH_MAX: 8, + DEFAULT_GLYPH_COLOR: 0xFFFFFF, + DEFAULT_GLYPH_RED: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_GLYPH_GREEN: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_GLYPH_BLUE: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_FLASH_COLOR: 0xFFFFFF, + DEFAULT_FLASH_RED: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_FLASH_GREEN: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_FLASH_BLUE: 0xFF, + DEFAULT_ALPHA: 100, // must be between 0 and 100 + DEFAULT_VOLUME: 1.0, // must be between 0 and 1.0 + DEFAULT_LOOP: false, + DEFAULT_FPS: 10, // frame rate in milliseconds (1/100 sec) + REDSHIFT: 256 * 256, // used to decode rgb + FLASH_STEP: 10, // percent for each flash + STATUS_FLASH_STEP: 5, // percent for each step + FLASH_INTERVAL: 5, // number of ticks per flash step + DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR: 0x000000, + + // Color constants + + COLOR_BLACK: 0x000000, + COLOR_WHITE: 0xFFFFFF, + COLOR_GRAY_LIGHT: 0xC0C0C0, + COLOR_GRAY: 0x808080, + COLOR_GRAY_DARK: 0x404040, + COLOR_RED: 0xFF0000, + COLOR_ORANGE: 0xFF8000, + COLOR_YELLOW: 0xFFFF00, + COLOR_GREEN: 0x00FF00, + COLOR_BLUE: 0x0000FF, + COLOR_INDIGO: 0x4000FF, + COLOR_VIOLET: 0x8000FF, + COLOR_MAGENTA: 0xFF00FF, + COLOR_CYAN: 0x00FFFF, + + // Key and mouse wheel constants + + ARROW_LEFT: 37, + ARROW_RIGHT: 39, + ARROW_UP: 38, + ARROW_DOWN: 40, + KEYPAD_0: 96, + KEYPAD_1: 97, + KEYPAD_2: 98, + KEYPAD_3: 99, + KEYPAD_4: 100, + KEYPAD_5: 101, + KEYPAD_6: 102, + KEYPAD_7: 103, + KEYPAD_8: 104, + KEYPAD_9: 105, + F1: 112, + F2: 113, + F3: 114, + F4: 115, + F5: 116, + F6: 117, + F7: 118, + F8: 119, + F9: 120, + F10: 121, + FORWARD: 1, + BACKWARD: -1, + + Grid: null, // main grid + DebugWindow: null, // debugger window + ImageCanvas: null, // offscreen canvas for image manipulation + + // Coordinates of current and previous beads, -1 if none + + MouseX: -1, + MouseY: -1, + LastX: -1, + LastY: -1, + + // Delay and clock settings + + FlashDelay: 0, + UserDelay: 0, + UserClock: 0, + + // Status line + + Status: "Perlenspiel", + StatusHue: 0, // target hue + StatusRed: 0, + StatusGreen: 0, + StatusBlue: 0, + StatusPhase: 0, // 100: done fading + StatusFading: true +}; + +// Improved typeof that distinguishes arrays + +PS.TypeOf = function (value) +{ + "use strict"; + var s; + + s = typeof value; + if ( s === "object" ) + { + if ( value ) + { + if ( value instanceof Array ) + { + s = "array"; + } + } + else + { + s = "null"; + } + } + return s; +}; + +// Get the canvas context + +PS.Context = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var cv, ctx; + + ctx = null; + cv = document.getElementById("screen"); + if ( cv && cv.getContext ) + { + ctx = cv.getContext("2d"); + } + + return ctx; +}; + +// Takes a multiplexed rgb value and a function name +// Returns floored rgb value, or -1 if invalid + +PS.ValidRGB = function ( rgb, fn ) +{ + "use strict"; + + if ( typeof rgb !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops( fn + "rgb parameter not a number" ); + return -1; + } + rgb = Math.floor(rgb); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + PS.Oops( fn + "rgb parameter negative" ); + return -1; + } + if ( rgb > 0xFFFFFF ) + { + PS.Oops( fn + "rgb parameter out of range" ); + return -1; + } + return rgb; +}; + +// Construct a color string with optional alpha + +PS.RGBString = function (r, g, b, a) +{ + "use strict"; + var str; + + if ( a === undefined ) + { + str = "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; + } + else + { + str = "rgba(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + "," + a + ")"; + } + return str; +}; + +// Takes a multiplexed rgb value and creates an object with +// separate r, g and b values, or null if error + +PS.UnmakeRGB = function ( rgb ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, red, green, blue, rval, gval; + + fn = "[PS.DecodeRGB] "; + + if ( typeof rgb !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "RGB parameter not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + rgb = Math.floor(rgb); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "RGB parameter negative"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + if ( rgb > 0xFFFFFF ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "RGB parameter out of range"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + red = rgb / PS.REDSHIFT; + red = Math.floor(red); + rval = red * PS.REDSHIFT; + + green = (rgb - rval) / 256; + green = Math.floor(green); + gval = green * 256; + + blue = rgb - rval - gval; + + return { r: red, g: green, b: blue }; +}; + +// PS.Dissolve +// Returns a color that is x% between c1 and c2 + +PS.Dissolve = function ( c1, c2, x ) +{ + "use strict"; + var delta; + + if ( c1 > c2 ) + { + delta = c1 - c2; + delta = ( x * delta ) / 100; + delta = Math.floor(delta); + return ( c1 - delta ); + } + else + { + delta = c2 - c1; + delta = ( x * delta ) / 100; + delta = Math.floor(delta); + return ( c1 + delta ); + } +}; + +// Bead constuctor + +PS.InitBead = function (xpos, ypos, size, bgcolor) +{ + "use strict"; + var bead; + + bead = {}; + + bead.left = xpos; + bead.right = xpos + size; + = ypos; + bead.bottom = ypos + size; + + bead.size = size; + + bead.visible = true; // bead visible? + + // target color + + bead.dirty = false; // bead color touched? + + // base colors + + = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_RED; + = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_GREEN; + = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_BLUE; + bead.color = PS.RGBString (,,; // default color + bead.colorNow = bead.color; // actual color while drawing + + // pre-calculated alpha colors + + bead.alpha = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + bead.alphaRed = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_RED; + bead.alphaGreen = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_GREEN; + bead.alphaBlue = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_BLUE; + + // glyph params + + bead.glyph = 0; // glyph code (zero if none) + bead.glyphStr = ""; // actual string to print + bead.glyphRed = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_RED; + bead.glyphGreen = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_GREEN; + bead.glyphBlue = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_BLUE; + bead.glyphColor = PS.RGBString (PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_RED, PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_GREEN, PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_BLUE); + + // flash params + + bead.flash = true; // flashing enabled? + bead.flashPhase = 0; // phase of flash animation + bead.flashRed = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_RED; + bead.flashGreen = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_GREEN; + bead.flashBlue = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_BLUE; + bead.flashColor = PS.RGBString (PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_RED, PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_GREEN, PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_BLUE); + + // border params + + bead.borderWidth = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH; // border width; 0 if none + bead.borderRed = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_RED; + bead.borderGreen = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_GREEN; + bead.borderBlue = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_BLUE; + bead.borderAlpha = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; // border alpha + bead.borderColor = PS.RGBString (PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_RED, PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_GREEN, PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_BLUE); + + // data, sound, exec params + + = 0; // data value + + = null; // sound (null = none) + bead.volume = PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME; // volume + bead.loop = PS.DEFAULT_LOOP; // loop flag + + bead.exec = null; // on-click function (null = none) + + // give each bead its own offscreen canvas and context + + = document.createElement("canvas"); + = size; + = size; + = bgcolor; + bead.offContext ="2d"); + + // set up font info for offscreen context + + bead.offContext.font = Math.floor(size / 2) + "pt sans-serif"; + bead.offContext.textAlign = "center"; + bead.offContext.textBaseline = "middle"; + + return bead; +}; + +// Draws bead [bead] in (optional) context [ctx] + +PS.DrawBead = function (bead, ctx) +{ + "use strict"; + var offctx, left, top, size, width; + + // get destination context if not provided + + if ( ctx === undefined ) + { + ctx = PS.Context(); + } + + left = 0; + top = 0; + size = bead.size; + + offctx = bead.offContext; // the offscreen canvas context + + // draw border if needed + + width = bead.borderWidth; + if ( width > 0 ) + { + offctx.fillStyle = bead.borderColor; + offctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); + + // adjust position and size of bead rect + + left += width; + top += width; + size -= (width + width); + } + + // draw bead body if dirty (has had color explicitly set) + + if ( bead.dirty ) + { + offctx.fillStyle = bead.colorNow; + } + + // otherwise fill with background color + + else + { + offctx.fillStyle = PS.Grid.bgColor; + } + + offctx.fillRect(left, top, size, size); + + if ( bead.glyph > 0 ) + { + offctx.fillStyle = bead.glyphColor; + offctx.fillText (bead.glyphStr, PS.Grid.glyphX, PS.Grid.glyphY); + } + + // blit offscreen canvas to main canvas + + ctx.drawImage(, bead.left,; +}; + +// Erase bead [bead] in (optional) context [ctx] + +PS.EraseBead = function (bead, ctx) +{ + "use strict"; + var size, left, top, width; + + // get destination context if not provided + + if ( ctx === undefined ) + { + ctx = PS.Context(); + } + + left = bead.left; + top =; + size = bead.size; + + // draw border if needed + + width = bead.borderWidth; + if ( width > 0 ) + { + ctx.fillStyle = bead.borderColor; + ctx.fillRect(left, top, size, size); + + // adjust position and size of bead rect + + left += width; + top += width; + size -= (width + width); + } + + ctx.fillStyle = PS.Grid.bgColor; + ctx.fillRect(left, top, size, size); +}; + +// Grid constructor +// Call with x/y dimensions of grid +// Returns initialized grid object or null if error + +PS.InitGrid = function (x, y) +{ + "use strict"; + var grid, i, j, size, xpos, ypos; + + grid = {}; + + grid.x = x; // x dimensions of grid + grid.y = y; // y dimensions of grid + grid.count = x * y; // number of beads in grid + + // calc size of beads, position/dimensions of centered grid on canvas + + if ( x >= y ) + { + grid.beadSize = size = Math.floor(PS.CANVAS_SIZE / x); + grid.width = size * x; + grid.height = size * y; + grid.left = 0; + } + else + { + grid.beadSize = size = Math.floor(PS.CANVAS_SIZE / y); + grid.width = size * x; + grid.height = size * y; + grid.left = Math.floor( (PS.CANVAS_SIZE - grid.width) / 2 ); + } + + = 0; + + grid.right = grid.left + grid.width; + grid.bottom = + grid.height; + + grid.bgRed = PS.DEFAULT_BG_RED; + grid.bgGreen = PS.DEFAULT_BG_GREEN; + grid.bgBlue = PS.DEFAULT_BG_BLUE; + grid.bgColor = PS.RGBString (grid.bgRed, grid.bgGreen, grid.bgBlue); + + grid.borderRed = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_RED; + grid.borderGreen = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_GREEN; + grid.borderBlue = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_BLUE; + grid.borderColor = PS.RGBString (grid.borderRed, grid.borderGreen, grid.borderBlue); + +// grid.borderWidth = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH; + grid.borderMax = PS.BORDER_WIDTH_MAX; // for now; should be calculated + + grid.pointing = -1; // bead cursor is pointing at (-1 if none) + + grid.flash = true; // flash globally enabled? + grid.flashList = []; // array of currently flashing beads + + grid.glyphX = Math.floor(size / 2); + grid.glyphY = Math.floor((size / 7) * 4); + + // init beads + + grid.beads = []; + ypos =; + for ( j = 0; j < y; j += 1 ) + { + xpos = grid.left; + for ( i = 0; i < x; i += 1 ) + { + grid.beads.push( PS.InitBead(xpos, ypos, size, grid.bgColor) ); + xpos += size; + } + ypos += size; + } + + return grid; +}; + +PS.DrawGrid = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var ctx, beads, cnt, i, bead; + + ctx = PS.Context(); + beads = PS.Grid.beads; + cnt = PS.Grid.count; + + for ( i = 0; i < cnt; i += 1 ) + { + bead = beads[i]; + if ( bead.visible ) + { + PS.DrawBead(bead, ctx); + } + else + { + PS.EraseBead(bead, ctx); + } + } +}; + +// Returns true if x parameter is valid, else false + +PS.CheckX = function ( x, fn ) +{ + "use strict"; + + if ( typeof x !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "x parameter not a number"); + return false; + } + x = Math.floor(x); + if ( x < 0 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "x parameter negative"); + return false; + } + if ( x >= PS.Grid.x ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "x parameter exceeds grid width"); + return false; + } + + return true; +}; + +// Returns true if y parameter is valid, else false + +PS.CheckY = function ( y, fn ) +{ + "use strict"; + + if ( typeof y !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "y parameter not a number"); + return false; + } + y = Math.floor(y); + if ( y < 0 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "y parameter negative"); + return false; + } + if ( y >= PS.Grid.y ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "y parameter exceeds grid height"); + return false; + } + + return true; +}; + +// PS.GetBead(x, y) +// Takes x/y coords of bead and function name +// Returns the bead object at (x, y), or null if error + +PS.GetBead = function (x, y, fn) +{ + "use strict"; + var i; + + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) + { + return null; + } + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + + return PS.Grid.beads[i]; +}; + +// API Functions + +PS.GridSize = function (w, h) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, cnt, beads, cv; + + fn = "[PS.GridSize] "; + + if ( typeof w !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Width param not a number"); + return; + } + if ( typeof h !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Height param not a number"); + return; + } + + w = Math.floor(w); + if ( w === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + w = PS.GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH; + } + else if ( w < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "width parameter < 1"); + w = 1; + } + else if ( w > PS.GRID_MAX ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "width parameter > " + PS.GRID_MAX); + w = PS.GRID_MAX; + } + + h = Math.floor(h); + if ( h === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + h = PS.GRID_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; + } + else if ( h < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "height parameter < 1"); + h = 1; + } + else if ( h > PS.GRID_MAX ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "height parameter > " + PS.GRID_MAX); + h = PS.GRID_MAX; + } + + // If a grid already exists, null out its arrays and then itself + + if ( PS.Grid ) + { + beads = PS.Grid.beads; + if ( beads ) + { + cnt = PS.Grid.count; + for ( i = 0; i < cnt; i += 1 ) + { + beads[i] = null; + } + } + + PS.Grid.beads = null; + PS.Grid.flashList = null; + PS.Grid = null; + } + + PS.Grid = PS.InitGrid(w, h); + + // Reset mouse coordinates + + PS.MouseX = -1; + PS.MouseY = -1; + PS.LastX = -1; + PS.LastY = -1; + + // Erase the canvas + + if ( PS.Grid ) + { + cv = document.getElementById("screen"); + if ( cv ) + { + cv.height = PS.Grid.height; // setting height erases canvas + PS.DrawGrid(); + } + } +}; + +PS.GridBGColor = function ( rgb ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, current, colors, e; + + fn = "[PS.GridBGColor] "; + current = (PS.Grid.bgRed * PS.REDSHIFT) + (PS.Grid.bgGreen * 256) + PS.Grid.bgBlue; + + // if param or PS.CURRENT, just return current color + + if ( (rgb === undefined) || (rgb === PS.CURRENT) ) + { + return current; + } + + if ( rgb === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + rgb = PS.DEFAULT_BG_COLOR; + } + else + { + rgb = PS.ValidRGB( rgb, fn ); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + } + + colors = PS.UnmakeRGB(rgb); + if ( colors ) + { + PS.Grid.bgRed = colors.r; + PS.Grid.bgGreen = colors.g; + PS.Grid.bgBlue = colors.b; + PS.Grid.bgColor = PS.RGBString(colors.r, colors.g, colors.b); + + // Reset browser background + + e = document.body; + = PS.Grid.bgColor; + + // reset status line background + + e = document.getElementById("status"); + if ( e ) + { + = PS.Grid.bgColor; + } + + // redraw canvas + + e = document.getElementById("screen"); + if ( e ) + { + e.width = PS.CANVAS_SIZE; // setting width erases + PS.DrawGrid(); + } + } + + return rgb; +}; + +// PS.MakeRGB (r, g, b) +// Takes three colors and returns multiplexed rgb value, or 0 (black) if error + +PS.MakeRGB = function (r, g, b) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, rgb; + + fn = "[PS.MakeRGB] "; + + if ( typeof r !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "R parameter not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + r = Math.floor(r); + if ( r < 0 ) + { + r = 0; + } + else if ( r > 255 ) + { + r = 255; + } + + if ( typeof g !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "G parameter not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + g = Math.floor(g); + if ( g < 0 ) + { + g = 0; + } + else if ( g > 255 ) + { + g = 255; + } + + if ( typeof b !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "B parameter not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + b = Math.floor(b); + if ( b < 0 ) + { + b = 0; + } + else if ( b > 255 ) + { + b = 255; + } + + rgb = (r * PS.REDSHIFT) + (g * 256) + b; + + return rgb; +}; + +// Bead API + +// PS.BeadShow(x, y, flag) +// Returns a bead's display status and optionally changes it +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [flag] must be 1/true or 0/false + +PS.DoBeadShow = function (x, y, flag) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (flag === undefined) || (flag === PS.CURRENT) || (flag === bead.visible) ) + { + return bead.visible; + } + + bead.visible = flag; + if ( flag ) + { + if ( PS.Grid.flash && bead.flash ) + { + PS.FlashStart(x, y); + } + else + { + bead.colorNow = bead.color; + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + } + else + { + PS.EraseBead(bead); + } + + return flag; +}; + +PS.BeadShow = function (x, y, flag) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadShow] "; + + // normalize flag value to t/f if defined + + if ( (flag !== undefined) && (flag !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( flag === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + flag = true; + } + else if ( flag ) + { + flag = true; + } + else + { + flag = false; + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + flag = PS.DoBeadShow( i, j, flag ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + flag = PS.DoBeadShow( i, y, flag ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + flag = PS.DoBeadShow( x, j, flag ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + flag = PS.DoBeadShow( x, y, flag ); // do one bead + } + + return flag; +}; + +// PS.BeadColor (x, y, rgb) +// Returns and optionally sets a bead's color +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [rgb] must be a multiplexed rgb value (0xRRGGBB) + +PS.DoBeadColor = function ( x, y, rgb, r, g, b ) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (rgb === undefined) || (rgb === PS.CURRENT) ) // if no rgb or PS.CURRENT, return current color + { + return ( * PS.REDSHIFT) + ( * 256) +; + } + + bead.dirty = true; // mark this bead as explicitly colored + + = r; + = g; + = b; + if ( bead.alpha < PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) // Calc new color based on alpha + { + bead.alphaRed = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed, r, bead.alpha ); + bead.alphaGreen = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen, g, bead.alpha ); + bead.alphaBlue = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue, b, bead.alpha ); + bead.color = PS.RGBString( bead.alphaRed, bead.alphaGreen, bead.alphaBlue ); + } + else + { + bead.alphaRed = r; + bead.alphaGreen = g; + bead.alphaBlue = b; + bead.color = PS.RGBString( r, g, b ); + } + + if ( bead.visible ) + { + if ( PS.Grid.flash && bead.flash ) + { + PS.FlashStart(x, y); + } + else + { + bead.colorNow = bead.color; + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + } + + return rgb; +}; + +PS.BeadColor = function (x, y, rgb) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, colors, r, g, b, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadColor] "; + + // if no rgb specified, just return current color + + if ( rgb === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + rgb = PS.DEFAULT_BEAD_COLOR; + r = PS.DEFAULT_BG_RED; + g = PS.DEFAULT_BG_GREEN; + b = PS.DEFAULT_BG_BLUE; + } + else if ( (rgb !== undefined) && (rgb !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + rgb = PS.ValidRGB( rgb, fn ); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + colors = PS.UnmakeRGB( rgb ); + r = colors.r; + g = colors.g; + b = colors.b; + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadColor( i, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadColor( i, y, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadColor( x, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadColor( x, y, rgb, r, g, b ); // do one bead + } + + return rgb; +}; + +// PS.BeadAlpha(x, y, a) +// Returns and optionally sets a bead's alpha +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [a] must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 + +PS.DoBeadAlpha = function ( x, y, a ) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (a === undefined) || (a === PS.CURRENT) || (a === bead.alpha) ) + { + return bead.alpha; + } + + // Calc new color between background and base + + bead.alpha = a; + bead.dirty = true; + if ( bead.alpha < PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) // Calc new color based on alpha + { + bead.alphaRed = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed,, a ); + bead.alphaGreen = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen,, a ); + bead.alphaBlue = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue,, a ); + bead.color = PS.RGBString( bead.alphaRed, bead.alphaGreen, bead.alphaBlue ); + } + else + { + bead.alphaRed =; + bead.alphaGreen =; + bead.alphaBlue =; + bead.color = PS.RGBString(,, ); + } + if ( bead.visible ) + { + if ( PS.Grid.flash && bead.flash ) + { + PS.FlashStart(x, y); + } + else + { + bead.colorNow = bead.color; + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + } + + return a; +}; + +PS.BeadAlpha = function (x, y, a) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadAlpha] "; + + if ( a !== undefined ) + { + if ( typeof a !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "alpha param is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + // clamp value + + a = Math.floor(a); + if ( a === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + a = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + } + else if ( a !== PS.CURRENT ) + { + if ( a < 0 ) + { + a = 0; + } + else if ( a > PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) + { + a = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + } + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + a = PS.DoBeadAlpha( i, j, a ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + a = PS.DoBeadAlpha( i, y, a ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + a = PS.DoBeadAlpha( x, j, a ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + a = PS.DoBeadAlpha( x, y, a ); // do one bead + } + + return a; +}; + +// PS.BeadBorderWidth (x, y, width) +// Returns and optionally sets a bead's border width +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [width] must be a number + +PS.DoBeadBorderWidth = function (x, y, width) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (width === undefined) || (width === PS.CURRENT) ) // if no width or PS.CURRENT, return current width + { + return bead.borderWidth; + } + + bead.borderWidth = width; + + if ( bead.visible ) + { + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + + return width; +}; + +PS.BeadBorderWidth = function (x, y, width) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadBorderWidth] "; + + if ( width === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + width = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_WIDTH; + } + else if ( (width !== undefined) && (width !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( typeof width !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "width param is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + width = Math.floor(width); + if ( width < 0 ) + { + width = 0; + } + else if ( width > PS.BORDER_WIDTH_MAX ) + { + width = PS.BORDER_WIDTH_MAX; + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + width = PS.DoBeadBorderWidth( i, j, width ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + width = PS.DoBeadBorderWidth( i, y, width ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + width = PS.DoBeadBorderWidth( x, j, width ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + width = PS.DoBeadBorderWidth( x, y, width ); // do one bead + } + + return width; +}; + +// PS.BeadBorderColor (x, y, rgb) +// Returns and optionally sets a bead's border color +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [rgb] must be a multiplexed rgb value (0xRRGGBB) + +PS.DoBeadBorderColor = function (x, y, rgb, r, g, b) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (rgb === undefined) || (rgb === PS.CURRENT) ) // if no rgb or PS.CURRENT, return current color + { + return (bead.borderRed * PS.REDSHIFT) + (bead.borderGreen * 256) + bead.borderBlue; + } + + bead.borderRed = r; + bead.borderGreen = g; + bead.borderBlue = b; + if ( bead.borderAlpha < PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) + { + r = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed, r, bead.borderAlpha ); + g = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen, g, bead.borderAlpha ); + b = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue, b, bead.borderAlpha ); + } + bead.borderColor = PS.RGBString( r, g, b ); + + if ( bead.visible ) + { + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + + return rgb; +}; + +PS.BeadBorderColor = function (x, y, rgb) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, colors, r, g, b, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadBorderColor] "; + + if ( rgb === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + rgb = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR; + r = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_RED; + g = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_GREEN; + b = PS.DEFAULT_BORDER_BLUE; + } + else if ( (rgb !== undefined) && (rgb !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + rgb = PS.ValidRGB( rgb, fn ); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + colors = PS.UnmakeRGB( rgb ); + r = colors.r; + g = colors.g; + b = colors.b; + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadBorderColor( i, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadBorderColor( i, y, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadBorderColor( x, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadBorderColor( x, y, rgb, r, g, b ); // do one bead + } + + return rgb; +}; + +// PS.BeadBorderAlpha(x, y, a) +// Returns a bead's border alpha and optionally changes it +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [a] must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 + +PS.DoBeadBorderAlpha = function (x, y, a) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead, r, g, b; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (a === undefined) || (a === PS.CURRENT) || (a === bead.borderAlpha) ) + { + return bead.borderAlpha; + } + + bead.borderAlpha = a; + if ( a < PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) + { + r = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed, bead.borderRed, a ); + g = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen, bead.borderGreen, a ); + b = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue, bead.borderBlue, a ); + bead.borderColor = PS.RGBString( r, g, b ); + } + else + { + bead.borderColor = PS.RGBString( bead.borderRed, bead.borderGreen, bead.borderBlue ); + } + if ( bead.visible ) + { + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + return a; +}; + +PS.BeadBorderAlpha = function (x, y, a) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadBorderAlpha] "; + + if ( a !== undefined ) + { + if ( typeof a !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "alpha param is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + // clamp value + + a = Math.floor(a); + if ( a === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + a = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + } + else if ( a !== PS.CURRENT ) + { + if ( a < 0 ) + { + a = 0; + } + else if ( a > PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) + { + a = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + } + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + a = PS.DoBeadBorderAlpha( i, j, a ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + a = PS.DoBeadBorderAlpha( i, y, a ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + a = PS.DoBeadBorderAlpha( x, j, a ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + a = PS.DoBeadBorderAlpha( x, y, a ); // do one bead + } + + return a; +}; + +// PS.BeadGlyph(x, y, g) +// Returns a bead's glyph and optionally changes it +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [g] must be either a string or a number + +PS.DoBeadGlyph = function (x, y, g) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (g === undefined) || (g === PS.CURRENT) || (g === bead.glyph) ) + { + return bead.glyph; + } + + bead.glyph = g; + bead.glyphStr = String.fromCharCode(g); + if ( bead.visible ) + { + if ( PS.Grid.flash && bead.flash ) + { + PS.FlashStart(x, y); + } + else + { + bead.colorNow = bead.color; + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + } + + return g; +}; + +PS.BeadGlyph = function (x, y, g) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, type, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadGlyph] "; + + // if no glyph specified, just return current border status + + type = typeof g; + if ( type !== "undefined" ) + { + if ( type === "string" ) + { + if ( g.length < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "glyph param is empty string"); + return 0; + } + g = g.charCodeAt(0); // use only first character + } + else if ( type === "number" ) + { + g = Math.floor(g); + if ( g === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + g = 0; + } + else if ( g !== PS.CURRENT ) + { + if ( g < 0 ) + { + g = 0; + } + } + } + else + { + PS.Oops(fn + "glyph param not a string or number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + g = PS.DoBeadGlyph( i, j, g ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + g = PS.DoBeadGlyph( i, y, g ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + g = PS.DoBeadGlyph( x, j, g ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + g = PS.DoBeadGlyph( x, y, g ); // do one bead + } + + return g; +}; + +// PS.BeadGlyphColor (x, y, rgb) +// Returns and optionally sets a bead's glyph color +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [rgb] must be a multiplexed rgb value (0xRRGGBB) + +PS.DoBeadGlyphColor = function (x, y, rgb, r, g, b) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (rgb === undefined) || (rgb === PS.CURRENT) ) // if no rgb or PS.CURRENT, return current color + { + return (bead.glyphRed * PS.REDSHIFT) + (bead.glyphGreen * 256) + bead.glyphBlue; + } + + bead.glyphRed = r; + bead.glyphGreen = g; + bead.glyphBlue = b; + if ( bead.alpha < PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) // Calc new color based on alpha + { + r = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed, r, bead.alpha ); + g = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen, g, bead.alpha ); + b = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue, b, bead.alpha ); + } + bead.glyphColor = PS.RGBString( r, g, b ); + + if ( bead.visible && (bead.glyph > 0) ) + { + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + return rgb; +}; + +PS.BeadGlyphColor = function (x, y, rgb) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, colors, r, g, b, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadGlyphColor] "; + + if ( rgb === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + rgb = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_COLOR; + r = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_RED; + g = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_GREEN; + b = PS.DEFAULT_GLYPH_BLUE; + } + else if ( (rgb !== undefined) && (rgb !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + rgb = PS.ValidRGB( rgb, fn ); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + colors = PS.UnmakeRGB( rgb ); + r = colors.r; + g = colors.g; + b = colors.b; + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadGlyphColor( i, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadGlyphColor( i, y, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadGlyphColor( x, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadGlyphColor( x, y, rgb, r, g, b ); // do one bead + } + + return rgb; +}; + +// PS.BeadFlash(x, y, flag) +// Returns a bead's flash status and optionally changes it +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [flag] must be 1/true or 0/false + +PS.DoBeadFlash = function (x, y, flag) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (flag === undefined) || (flag === PS.CURRENT) ) + { + return bead.flash; + } + + bead.flash = flag; + return flag; +}; + +PS.BeadFlash = function (x, y, flag) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadFlash] "; + + // normalize flag value to t/f if defined + + if ( (flag !== undefined) && (flag !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( flag === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + flag = true; + } + else if ( flag ) + { + flag = true; + } + else + { + flag = false; + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + flag = PS.DoBeadFlash( i, j, flag ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + flag = PS.DoBeadFlash( i, y, flag ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + flag = PS.DoBeadFlash( x, j, flag ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + flag = PS.DoBeadFlash( x, y, flag ); // do one bead + } + + return flag; +}; + +// PS.BeadFlashColor (x, y, rgb) +// Returns and optionally sets a bead's flash color +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [rgb] must be a multiplexed rgb value (0xRRGGBB) + +PS.DoBeadFlashColor = function (x, y, rgb, r, g, b) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (rgb === undefined) || (rgb === PS.CURRENT) ) // if no rgb or PS.CURRENT, return current color + { + return (bead.flashRed * PS.REDSHIFT) + (bead.flashGreen * 256) + bead.flashBlue; + } + + bead.flashRed = r; + bead.flashGreen = g; + bead.flashBlue = b; + bead.flashColor = PS.RGBString(r, g, b); + + return rgb; +}; + +PS.BeadFlashColor = function (x, y, rgb) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, r, g, b, colors, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadFlashColor] "; + + if ( rgb === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + rgb = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_COLOR; + r = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_RED; + g = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_GREEN; + b = PS.DEFAULT_FLASH_BLUE; + } + else if ( (rgb !== undefined) && (rgb !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + rgb = PS.ValidRGB( rgb, fn ); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + colors = PS.UnmakeRGB( rgb ); + r = colors.r; + g = colors.g; + b = colors.b; + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadFlashColor( i, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadFlashColor( i, y, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadFlashColor( x, j, rgb, r, g, b ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + rgb = PS.DoBeadFlashColor( x, y, rgb, r, g, b ); // do one bead + } + + return rgb; +}; + +// PS.BeadData(x, y, data) +// Returns a bead's data and optionally changes it +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [data] can be any data type + +PS.DoBeadData = function (x, y, data) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( data !== undefined ) + { + = data; + } + + return; +}; + +PS.BeadData = function (x, y, data) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadData] "; + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + data = PS.DoBeadData( i, j, data ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + data = PS.DoBeadData( i, y, data ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + data = PS.DoBeadData( x, j, data ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + data = PS.DoBeadData( x, y, data ); // do one bead + } + + return data; +}; + +// PS.BeadAudio(x, y, audio, volume) +// Returns a bead's audio file and optionally changes it (and its volume) +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [audio] must be a string +// Optional [volume] should be between 0 and 100 inclusive + +PS.DoBeadAudio = function (x, y, audio, volume) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (audio !== undefined) && (audio !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + = audio; + } + + if ( (volume !== undefined) && (volume !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + bead.volume = volume; + } + + return; +}; + +PS.BeadAudio = function (x, y, audio, volume) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadAudio] "; + + // check audio file param + + if ( (audio !== undefined) && (audio !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( audio === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + audio = null; + } + else if ( typeof audio !== "string" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "audio param is not a string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + else if ( audio.length < 1 ) + { + audio = null; + } + } + + // check volume param + + if ( (volume !== undefined) && (volume !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( volume === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + volume = PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME; + } + else if ( typeof volume !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "volume param is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + if ( volume < 0 ) + { + volume = 0; + } + else if ( volume > PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME ) + { + volume = PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME; + } + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + audio = PS.DoBeadAudio( i, j, audio, volume ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + audio = PS.DoBeadAudio( i, y, audio, volume ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + audio = PS.DoBeadAudio( x, j, audio, volume ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + audio = PS.DoBeadAudio( x, y, audio, volume ); // do one bead + } + + return audio; +}; + +// PS.BeadFunction(x, y, func) +// Returns a bead's exec function and optionally changes it +// [x, y] are grid position +// Optional [func] must be a JavaScript function + +PS.DoBeadFunction = function (x, y, exec) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + if ( (exec !== undefined) && (exec !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + bead.exec = exec; + } + + return bead.exec; +}; + +PS.BeadFunction = function (x, y, exec) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadFunction] "; + + if ( (exec !== undefined) || (exec !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( exec === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + exec = null; + } + else if ( typeof exec !== "function" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "exec param not a valid function"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + } + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + exec = PS.DoBeadFunction( i, j, exec ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + exec = PS.DoBeadFunction( i, y, exec ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + exec = PS.DoBeadFunction( x, j, exec ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + exec = PS.DoBeadFunction( x, y, exec ); // do one bead + } + + return exec; +}; + +// PS.BeadTouch(x, y, mask) +// Simulates effect of clicking on a bead +// [x, y] are grid position + +PS.DoBeadTouch = function (x, y) +{ + "use strict"; + var i, bead; + + // Assume x/y params are already verified + + i = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[i]; + + // Play bead audio + + if ( typeof === "string" ) + { + PS.AudioPlay(, bead.volume); + } + + // Run bead exec + + if ( typeof bead.exec === "function" ) + { + bead.exec(x, y,; + } + + // Simulate click + + PS.Click(x, y,; +}; + +PS.BeadTouch = function (x, y) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, j; + + fn = "[PS.BeadTouch] "; + + if ( x === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( y === PS.ALL ) // do entire grid + { + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) + { + PS.DoBeadTouch( i, j ); + } + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify y param + { + return; + } + else + { + for ( i = 0; i < PS.Grid.x; i += 1 ) // do entire row + { + PS.DoBeadTouch( i, y ); + } + } + } + else if ( y === PS.ALL ) + { + if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) ) // verify x param + { + return; + } + for ( j = 0; j < PS.Grid.y; j += 1 ) // do entire column + { + PS.DoBeadTouch( x, j ); + } + } + else if ( !PS.CheckX( x, fn ) || !PS.CheckY( y, fn ) ) // verify both params + { + return; + } + else + { + PS.DoBeadTouch( x, y ); // do one bead + } +}; + +// Set message text + +PS.Status = "Perlenspiel"; +PS.StatusHue = 0; + +PS.StatusText = function (str) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, type, e; + + fn = "[PS.StatusText] "; + + type = typeof str; + if ( type !== "undefined" ) + { + if ( type !== "string" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a string"); + } + else + { + e = document.getElementById("status"); + if ( e ) + { + if ( PS.StatusFading ) // start the fade + { + = PS.Grid.bgColor; + PS.StatusPhase = 0; + } + e.value = str; + } + PS.Status = str; + } + } + return PS.Status; +}; + +PS.StatusColor = function (rgb) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, colors, e; + + fn = "[PS.StatusText] "; + + if ( (rgb !== undefined) && (rgb !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + rgb = PS.ValidRGB( rgb, fn ); + if ( rgb < 0 ) + { + return PS.ERROR; + } + if ( rgb === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + rgb = PS.DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR; + } + colors = PS.UnmakeRGB(rgb); + PS.StatusRed = colors.r; + PS.StatusGreen = colors.g; + PS.StatusBlue = colors.b; + PS.StatusHue = PS.RGBString(colors.r, colors.g, colors.b); + PS.StatusPhase = 100; // stops fades in progress + + e = document.getElementById("status"); + if ( e ) + { + = PS.StatusHue; + } + e = document.getElementById("footer"); + if ( e ) + { + = PS.StatusHue; + } + } + + return PS.StatusHue; +}; + +// Turn status line fading on and off + +PS.StatusFade = function (flag) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, e; + + fn = "[PS.StatusFade] "; + + if ( (flag !== undefined) && (flag !== PS.CURRENT) ) + { + if ( flag || (flag === PS.DEFAULT) ) + { + flag = true; + } + else + { + flag = false; + PS.StatusPhase = 100; + e = document.getElementById("status"); + if ( e ) + { + = PS.StatusHue; + } + } + PS.StatusFading = flag; + } + + return PS.StatusFading; +}; + +// Debugger API + +// Open debugger if not already open + +PS.DebugOpen = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var div, e; + + if ( !PS.DebugWindow ) + { + div = document.getElementById("debug"); + = "inline"; + + // clear it + + e = document.getElementById("monitor"); + if ( e ) + { + e.value = ""; + } + + PS.DebugWindow = true; + } +}; + +// Close debugger if not already closed + +PS.DebugClose = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var e; + + if ( PS.DebugWindow ) + { + e = document.getElementById("debug"); + = "none"; + PS.DebugWindow = false; + } +}; + +// Add line to debugger (does not include CR) + +PS.Debug = function (str) +{ + "use strict"; + var e; + + if ( typeof str !== "string" ) + { + return; + } + + PS.DebugOpen(); + + e = document.getElementById("monitor"); + if ( e ) + { + e.value += str; // add it + e.scrollTop = e.scrollHeight; // keep it scrolled down + } +}; + +// Clear footer and debugger + +PS.DebugClear = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var e; + + e = document.getElementById("footer"); + if ( e ) + { +"#000000"; // change to black + e.innerHTML = "Version 2.0.0"; + } + + if ( PS.DebugWindow ) + { + e = document.getElementById("monitor"); + if ( e ) + { + e.value = ""; + } + } +}; + +// Send error message to footer and debugger if open (includes CR) + +PS.Oops = function (str) +{ + "use strict"; + var e; + + if ( typeof str !== "string" ) + { + return; + } + + e = document.getElementById("footer"); + if ( e ) + { + e.innerHTML = str; + } + + // Also display on debugger if open + +// if ( PS.DebugWindow ) +// { +// e = document.getElementById("monitor"); +// if ( e ) +// { +// e.value += ("ERROR: " + str + "\n"); +// e.scrollTop = e.scrollHeight; // keep it scrolled down +// } +// } + + PS.Debug( "ERROR: " + str + "\n" ); + + PS.AudioPlay("fx_uhoh"); +}; + +// Set up user clock + +PS.Clock = function ( ticks ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn; + + fn = "[PS.Clock] "; + + if ( ticks !== undefined ) + { + if ( typeof ticks !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "ticks parameter not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + ticks = Math.floor(ticks); + if ( ticks < 1 ) + { + PS.UserClock = 0; + } + else if ( typeof PS.Tick !== "function" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "PS.Tick function undefined"); + } + else + { + PS.UserDelay = 0; + PS.UserClock = ticks; + } + } + + return PS.UserClock; +}; + +// General system timer + +PS.Timer = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var phase, hue, r, g, b, e; + + // Handle bead flashing and status text fading + + PS.FlashDelay += 1; + if ( PS.FlashDelay >= PS.FLASH_INTERVAL ) + { + PS.FlashDelay = 0; + PS.FlashNext(); + + // Handle status text fading + + if ( PS.StatusFading && (PS.StatusPhase < 100) ) + { + phase = PS.StatusPhase + PS.STATUS_FLASH_STEP; + + if ( phase >= 100 ) + { + phase = 100; + hue = PS.StatusHue; + } + else + { + r = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed, PS.StatusRed, phase ); + g = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen, PS.StatusGreen, phase ); + b = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue, PS.StatusBlue, phase ); + hue = PS.RGBString(r, g, b); + } + PS.StatusPhase = phase; + e = document.getElementById("status"); + if ( e ) + { + = hue; + } + } + } + + // Handle user clock + + if ( PS.UserClock > 0 ) + { + PS.UserDelay += 1; + if ( PS.UserDelay >= PS.UserClock ) + { + PS.UserDelay = 0; + if ( PS.Tick ) + { + try + { + PS.Tick(); // call user function + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Tick() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + PS.UserClock = 0; // stop the timer + } + } + } + } +}; + +// PS.StartFlash(bead) +// Initiates flashing of bead + +PS.FlashStart = function (x, y) +{ + "use strict"; + var which, bead, i, len; + + which = x + (y * PS.Grid.x); // index of bead + + bead = PS.Grid.beads[which]; + + bead.flashPhase = 0; // init flash step + + // draw first step + + bead.colorNow = bead.flashColor; + PS.DrawBead(bead); + + // if this bead is already in flash queue, exit + + len = PS.Grid.flashList.length; + for ( i = 0; i < len; i += 1 ) + { + if ( PS.Grid.flashList[i] === which ) + { + return; + } + } + + // else add this bead to queue + + PS.Grid.flashList.push(which); +}; + +// PS.NextFlash(bead) +// Flash all beads in queue + +PS.FlashNext = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var ctx, len, i, which, bead, phase, r, g, b; + + ctx = PS.Context(); + len = PS.Grid.flashList.length; + i = 0; + while ( i < len ) + { + which = PS.Grid.flashList[i]; + bead = PS.Grid.beads[which]; + phase = bead.flashPhase + PS.FLASH_STEP; + + // If flash is done, set normal color and remove bead from queue + + if ( phase >= 100 ) + { + bead.colorNow = bead.color; + bead.flashPhase = 0; + PS.Grid.flashList.splice(i, 1); + len -= 1; + } + else + { + bead.flashPhase = phase; + r = PS.Dissolve( bead.flashRed, bead.alphaRed, phase ); + g = PS.Dissolve( bead.flashGreen, bead.alphaGreen, phase ); + b = PS.Dissolve( bead.flashBlue, bead.alphaBlue, phase ); + bead.colorNow = PS.RGBString(r, g, b); + i += 1; + } + PS.DrawBead(bead, ctx); + } +}; + +// System initialization + +// Records the x/y of mouse over grid, -1 if not over grid + +PS.MouseXY = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var canvas, x, y, beads, bead, row, col, i; + + if ( PS.Grid ) + { + canvas = document.getElementById("screen"); + + if ( event.x && event.y ) + { + x = event.x; + y = event.y; + } + else // Firefox method to get the position + { + x = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; + y = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; + } + + x -= canvas.offsetLeft; + y -= canvas.offsetTop; + + // Over the grid? + + if ( (x >= PS.Grid.left) && (x < PS.Grid.right) && (y >= && (y < PS.Grid.bottom) ) + { + // Which bead are we over? + + beads = PS.Grid.beads; + i = 0; // init index + for ( row = 0; row < PS.Grid.y; row += 1 ) + { + bead = beads[i]; // get the first bead in this row + + // Is mouse over this row? + + if ( (y >= && (y < bead.bottom) ) + { + // Find column + + for ( col = 0; col < PS.Grid.x; col += 1 ) + { + bead = beads[i]; + if ( (x >= bead.left) && (x < bead.right) ) + { + PS.MouseX = col; + PS.MouseY = row; + return; + } + i += 1; + } + } + else + { + i += PS.Grid.x; // try next row + } + } + } + } + + PS.MouseX = -1; + PS.MouseY = -1; +}; + +// Called when mouse is clicked over canvas + +PS.MouseDown = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var bead; + + PS.MouseXY(event); + if ( PS.MouseX >= 0 ) + { + bead = PS.Grid.beads[PS.MouseX + (PS.MouseY * PS.Grid.x)]; + + // play audio if assigned to bead + + if ( ) + { + PS.AudioPlay(, bead.volume); + } + + // Call function if assigned to bead + + if ( typeof bead.exec === "function" ) + { + try + { + bead.exec(PS.MouseX, PS.MouseY,; + } + catch (err1) + { + PS.Oops("Bead " + PS.MouseX + ", " + PS.MouseY + " function failed [" + err1.message + "]" ); + } + } + + if ( PS.Click ) // only if function exists + { + try + { + PS.Click(PS.MouseX, PS.MouseY,; + } + catch (err2) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Click() failed [" + err2.message + "]" ); + } + } + } +}; + +// Called when mouse is released over canvas + +PS.MouseUp = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var bead; + + if ( PS.Grid && PS.Release ) // only if grid and function exist + { + PS.MouseXY(event); + if ( PS.MouseX >= 0 ) + { + bead = PS.Grid.beads[PS.MouseX + (PS.MouseY * PS.Grid.x)]; + try + { + PS.Release(PS.MouseX, PS.MouseY,; + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Release() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + } + } + } +}; + +// Called when mouse moves over canvas + +PS.MouseMove = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var bead, last; + + PS.MouseXY(event); + + if ( PS.MouseX >= 0 ) + { + bead = PS.Grid.beads[PS.MouseX + (PS.MouseY * PS.Grid.x)]; + if ( (PS.MouseX !== PS.LastX) || (PS.MouseY !== PS.LastY) ) + { + if ( PS.Leave ) // only if function exists + { + if ( PS.LastX >= 0 ) + { + last = PS.Grid.beads[PS.LastX + (PS.LastY * PS.Grid.x)]; + try + { + PS.Leave(PS.LastX, PS.LastY,; + } + catch (err1) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Leave() failed [" + err1.message + "]" ); + } + } + } + if ( PS.Enter ) // only if function exists + { + try + { + PS.Enter(PS.MouseX, PS.MouseY,; + } + catch (err2) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Enter() failed [" + err2.message + "]" ); + } + } + PS.LastX = PS.MouseX; + PS.LastY = PS.MouseY; + } + } + else if ( PS.LastX >= 0 ) + { + if ( PS.Leave ) // only if function exists + { + last = PS.Grid.beads[PS.LastX + (PS.LastY * PS.Grid.x)]; + try + { + PS.Leave(PS.LastX, PS.LastY,; + } + catch (err3) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Leave() failed [" + err3.message + "]" ); + } + } + PS.LastX = -1; + PS.LastY = -1; + } +}; + +// Called when mouse leaves canvas + +PS.MouseOut = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var last; + + PS.MouseBead = -1; + if ( PS.Grid && PS.Leave ) // only if grid and function exist + { + if ( PS.LastBead >= 0 ) + { + last = PS.Grid.beads[PS.LastBead]; + try + { + PS.Leave(last.x, last.y,; + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Leave() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + } + } + } + PS.LastBead = -1; +}; + +PS.KeyFilter = function (key, shift) +{ + "use strict"; + + // convert lower-case alpha to upper-case if shift key is down + + if ( (key >= 65) && (key <= 90) ) + { + if ( shift ) + { + key += 32; + } + return key; + } + + // Convert weird keycodes to ASCII + + switch ( key ) + { + case 188: + key = 44; // , + break; + case 190: + key = 46; // . + break; + case 191: + key = 47; // / + break; + case 222: + key = 39; // ' + break; + case 219: + key = 91; // [ + break; + case 221: + key = 93; // ] + break; + case 220: + key = 92; // \ + break; + default: + break; + } + + // Translate shifted keys + + if ( shift ) + { + switch ( key ) + { + case 96: // ` + key = 126; // ~ + break; + case 49: // 1 + key = 33; // ! + break; + case 50: // 2 + key = 64; // @ + break; + case 51: // 3 + key = 35; // # + break; + case 52: // 4 + key = 36; // ! + break; + case 53: // 5 + key = 37; // % + break; + case 54: // 6 + key = 94; // ^ + break; + case 55: // 7 + key = 38; // & + break; + case 56: // 8 + key = 42; // * + break; + case 57: // 9 + key = 40; // ( + break; + case 48: // 0 + key = 41; // ) + break; + case 45: // - + key = 95; // _ + break; + case 61: // = + key = 43; // + + break; + case 91: // [ + key = 123; // { + break; + case 93: // ] + key = 125; // } + break; + case 92: // \ + key = 124; // | + break; + case 59: // ; + key = 58; // : + break; + case 39: // ' + key = 34; // " + break; + case 44: // , + key = 60; // < + break; + case 46: // . + key = 62; // > + break; + case 47: // / + key = 63; // ? + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + return key; +}; + +// Called when a key is pressed + +PS.SysKeyDown = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var key; + + if ( PS.KeyDown ) // only if function exists + { + if ( event.which === null ) + { + key = event.keyCode; // IE + } + else + { + key = event.which; // Others + } + key = PS.KeyFilter(key, event.shiftKey); + try + { + PS.KeyDown(key, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey); + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.KeyDown() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + } + } + return false; +}; + +// Called when a key is released + +PS.SysKeyUp = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var key; + + if ( PS.KeyUp ) // only if function exists + { + if ( event.which === null ) + { + key = event.keyCode; // IE + } + else + { + key = event.which; // Others + } + key = PS.KeyFilter(key, event.shiftKey); + try + { + PS.KeyUp(key, event.shiftKey, event.ctrlKey); + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.KeyUp() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + } + } + return false; +}; + +// Called when mouse wheel is moved + +PS.SysWheel = function (event) +{ + "use strict"; + var delta; + + if ( PS.Wheel ) // only if function exists + { + delta = 0; + + // for IE + + if ( !event ) + { + event = window.event; + } + + // IE and Opera + + if ( event.wheelDelta ) + { + delta = event.wheelDelta / 120; + if ( window.opera ) + { + delta = -delta; + } + } + + // Firefox and Chrome? + + else if ( event.detail ) + { + delta = -( event.detail / 3 ); + } + + if ( event.preventDefault ) + { + event.preventDefault(); + } + + // clamp + + if ( delta >= PS.FORWARD ) + { + delta = PS.FORWARD; + } + else + { + delta = PS.BACKWARD; + } + + // Send delta to user + + try + { + PS.Wheel (delta); + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Wheel() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + } + } + + event.returnValue = false; +}; + +// Initialization + +PS.Sys = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, e; + + fn = "[PS.Sys] "; + + // Init audio support, preload error sound + + PS.AudioInit(); + PS.AudioLoad("fx_uhoh"); + + // Make sure all required game functions exist + + if ( typeof PS.Init !== "function" ) + { + PS.Init = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.Init function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.Click !== "function" ) + { + PS.Click = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.Click function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.Release !== "function" ) + { + PS.Release = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.Release function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.Enter !== "function" ) + { + PS.Enter = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.Enter function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.Leave !== "function" ) + { + PS.Leave = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.Leave function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.KeyDown !== "function" ) + { + PS.KeyDown = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.KeyDown function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.KeyUp !== "function" ) + { + PS.KeyUp = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.KeyUp function undefined"); + } + + if ( typeof PS.Wheel !== "function" ) + { + PS.Wheel = null; + PS.Oops(fn + "WARNING: PS.Wheel function undefined"); + } + + // Set up mouse/keyboard events + + e = document.getElementById("screen"); + if ( e ) + { + e.addEventListener("mousedown", PS.MouseDown, false); + e.addEventListener("mouseup", PS.MouseUp, false); + e.addEventListener("mouseout", PS.MouseOut, false); + e.addEventListener("mousemove", PS.MouseMove, false); + } + + // Set up mouse wheel events + + if ( window.addEventListener ) + { + window.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', PS.SysWheel, false); // for Firefox + window.addEventListener('mousewheel', PS.SysWheel, false); // for others + } + else + { + window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = PS.SysWheel; // for IE, maybe + } + + // Setup offscreen canvas for image manipulation + + PS.ImageCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); + PS.ImageCanvas.width = PS.GRID_MAX; + PS.ImageCanvas.height = PS.GRID_MAX; + + // Start the timer + + window.setInterval (PS.Timer, PS.DEFAULT_FPS); + + // Print version number + + e = document.getElementById("footer"); + if ( e ) + { + e.innerHTML = "Version " + PS.VERSION; + } + + if ( PS.Init ) + { + try + { + PS.Init(); // call user initializer + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops("PS.Init() failed [" + err.message + "]" ); + } + } + else + { + PS.GridSize(PS.GRID_DEFAULT_WIDTH, PS.GRID_DEFAULT_HEIGHT); + } +}; + +// Library stuff + +PS.Random = function (val) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn; + + fn = "[PS.Random] "; + if ( typeof val !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + val = Math.floor(val); + if ( val < 2 ) + { + return 1; + } + + val = Math.random() * val; + val = Math.floor(val) + 1; + return val; +}; + +PS.PianoFiles = [ + "a0", "bb0", "b0", + "c1", "db1", "d1", "eb1", "e1", "f1", "gb1", "g1", "ab1", "a1", "bb1", "b1", + "c2", "db2", "d2", "eb2", "e2", "f2", "gb2", "g2", "ab2", "a2", "bb2", "b2", + "c3", "db3", "d3", "eb3", "e3", "f3", "gb3", "g3", "ab3", "a3", "bb3", "b3", + "c4", "db4", "d4", "eb4", "e4", "f4", "gb4", "g4", "ab4", "a4", "bb4", "b4", + "c5", "db5", "d5", "eb5", "e5", "f5", "gb5", "g5", "ab5", "a5", "bb5", "b5", + "c6", "db6", "d6", "eb6", "e6", "f6", "gb6", "g6", "ab6", "a6", "bb6", "b6", + "c7", "db7", "d7", "eb7", "e7", "f7", "gb7", "g7", "ab7", "a7", "bb7", "b7", + "c8" +]; + +PS.Piano = function ( val, flag ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, str; + + fn = "[PS.Piano] "; + + if ( typeof val !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + val = Math.floor(val); + if ( val < 1 ) + { + val = 1; + } + else if ( val > 88 ) + { + val = 88; + } + + str = "piano_" + PS.PianoFiles[val - 1]; + if ( flag ) + { + str = "l_" + str; + } + return str; +}; + +PS.HchordFiles = [ + "a2", "bb2", "b2", + "c3", "db3", "d3", "eb3", "e3", "f3", "gb3", "g3", "ab3", "a3", "bb3", "b3", + "c4", "db4", "d4", "eb4", "e4", "f4", "gb4", "g4", "ab4", "a4", "bb4", "b4", + "c5", "db5", "d5", "eb5", "e5", "f5", "gb5", "g5", "ab5", "a5", "bb5", "b5", + "c6", "db6", "d6", "eb6", "e6", "f6", "gb6", "g6", "ab6", "a6", "bb6", "b6", + "c7", "db7", "d7", "eb7", "e7", "f7" +]; + +PS.Harpsichord = function ( val, flag ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, str; + + fn = "[PS.Harpsichord] "; + + if ( typeof val !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + val = Math.floor(val); + if ( val < 1 ) + { + val = 1; + } + else if ( val > 57 ) + { + val = 57; + } + + str = "hchord_" + PS.HchordFiles[val - 1]; + if ( flag ) + { + str = "l_" + str; + } + return str; +}; + +PS.XyloFiles = [ + "a4", "bb4", "b4", + "c5", "db5", "d5", "eb5", "e5", "f5", "gb5", "g5", "ab5", "a5", "bb5", "b5", + "c6", "db6", "d6", "eb6", "e6", "f6", "gb6", "g6", "ab6", "a6", "bb6", "b6", + "c7", "db7", "d7", "eb7", "e7", "f7", "gb7", "g7", "ab7", "a7", "bb7", "b7" +]; + +PS.Xylophone = function ( val ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, str; + + fn = "[PS.Xylophone] "; + + if ( typeof val !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + val = Math.floor(val); + if ( val < 1 ) + { + val = 1; + } + else if ( val > 39 ) + { + val = 39; + } + + str = "xylo_" + PS.XyloFiles[val - 1]; + return str; +}; + +// Audio functions + +PS.AUDIO_PATH_DEFAULT = ""; // case sensitive! +PS.AUDIO_PATH = PS.AUDIO_PATH_DEFAULT; +PS.AUDIO_MAX_CHANNELS = 32; +PS.AudioChannels = []; + +PS.AudioInit = function () +{ + "use strict"; + var i; + + for ( i = 0; i < PS.AUDIO_MAX_CHANNELS; i += 1 ) + { + PS.AudioChannels[i] = {}; + PS.AudioChannels[i].audio = new Audio(); + PS.AudioChannels[i].done = -1; + PS.AudioChannels[i].id = ""; + } +}; + +PS.AudioError = function (obj) +{ + "use strict"; + var c, str; + + c = obj.error.code; + switch ( c ) + { + case 1: + str = "MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED"; + break; + case 2: + str = "MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK"; + break; + case 3: + str = "MEDIA_ERR_DECODE"; + break; + case 4: + str = "MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + break; + default: + str = "UNKNOWN"; + break; + } + + PS.Oops("[Audio Error: " + str + "]\n"); +}; + +PS.AudioPath = function (path) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn; + + fn = "[PS.AudioPath] "; + + if ( path === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + PS.AUDIO_PATH = PS.AUDIO_PATH_DEFAULT; + } + else if ( typeof path !== "string" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "path parameter is not a string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + PS.AUDIO_PATH = path; + } + + return PS.AUDIO_PATH; +}; + +PS.AudioLoad = function (id, path) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, snd; + + fn = "[PS.AudioLoad] "; + + if ( typeof id !== "string" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "id parameter is not a string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + if ( id.length < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "id parameter is an empty string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + if ( path === undefined ) + { + path = PS.AUDIO_PATH; + } + else if ( path === PS.DEFAULT ) + { + path = PS.AUDIO_PATH_DEFAULT; + } + else if ( typeof path !== "string" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "path parameter is not a string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + // Already got this? Clone it + + snd = document.getElementById(id); + if ( snd ) + { + return snd; + } + + path = path + id + ".wav"; + + snd = document.createElement("audio"); + snd.setAttribute("src", path); + snd.setAttribute("id", id); + snd.setAttribute("preload", "auto"); + snd.setAttribute("onerror", "PS.AudioError(this)"); + +// src = document.createElement("source"); +// src.setAttribute("src", path + ".ogg"); +// src.setAttribute("type", "audio/ogg"); +// snd.appendChild(src); + +// src = document.createElement("source"); +// src.setAttribute("src", path + ".mp3"); +// src.setAttribute("type", "audio/mpeg"); +// src.setAttribute("onerror", "PS.AudioError()"); +// snd.appendChild(src); + +// src = document.createElement("source"); +// src.setAttribute("src", path + ".wav"); +// src.setAttribute("type", "audio/x-wav"); +// snd.appendChild(src); + + document.body.appendChild(snd); + snd.load(); + + return snd; +}; + +// Returns a channel number + +PS.AudioPlay = function (id, volume, func, path) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, i, snd, d, t, channel; + + fn = "[PS.AudioPlay] "; + + if ( (volume === undefined) || (volume === PS.DEFAULT) ) + { + volume = PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME; + } + else if ( typeof volume !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "volume parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + else if ( volume < 0 ) + { + volume = 0; + } + else if ( volume > PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME ) + { + volume = PS.DEFAULT_VOLUME; + } + + if ( (func !== undefined) && (typeof func !== "function") ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "func parameter is not a function"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + snd = PS.AudioLoad(id, path); + if ( snd !== PS.ERROR ) + { + snd.volume = volume; + if ( func !== undefined ) + { + snd.addEventListener("ended", func); + } + for ( i = 0; i < PS.AUDIO_MAX_CHANNELS; i += 1 ) + { + d = new Date(); + t = d.getTime(); + channel = PS.AudioChannels[i]; + if ( channel.done < t ) + { + channel.done = t + ( snd.duration * 1000 ); + = snd; + = id; + snd.load(); // WHY??? +; + return i + 1; // channel id + } + } + } + + return PS.ERROR; // error +}; + +// Stops playback of channel number + +PS.AudioStop = function (c) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, d, t, channel; + + fn = "[PS.AudioStop] "; + + if ( typeof c !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + c = Math.floor(c); + if ( (c < 1) || (c > PS.AUDIO_MAX_CHANNELS) ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Invalid channel id"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + channel = PS.AudioChannels[c - 1]; + d = new Date(); + t = d.getTime(); + + channel.done = t; // mark as done playing +; + = 0; + + return c; +}; + +// Pauses/unpauses playback of channel number + +PS.AudioPause = function (c) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, channel, audio; + + fn = "[PS.AudioPause] "; + + if ( typeof c !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + c = Math.floor(c); + if ( (c < 1) || (c > PS.AUDIO_MAX_CHANNELS) ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Invalid channel id"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + channel = PS.AudioChannels[c - 1]; + audio =; + if ( audio.paused ) + { +; + } + else + { + audio.pause(); + } + + return c; +}; + +// Image functions + +PS.ImageLoad = function ( file, func ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, img; + + fn = "[PS.ImageLoad] "; + + if ( typeof file !== "string" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter 1 is not a string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + if ( file.length < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter 1 is an empty string"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + if ( (func !== undefined) && (typeof func !== "function") ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Parameter 2 is not a function"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + try + { + img = new Image(); + if ( func !== undefined ) + { + img.onload = func; + } + img.src = file; + return img; + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "failed [" + err.message + "]"); + return PS.ERROR; + } +}; + +// Extract an imageData table from an image file +// optional [alpha] determines if alpha data if included + +PS.ImageData = function ( img, alpha ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, w, h, ctx, imgData, imgData2, i, j, len, d1, d2; + + fn = "[PS.ImageMap] "; + if ( (alpha === undefined) || !alpha ) + { + alpha = false; + } + else + { + alpha = true; + } + + w = img.width; + if ( (typeof w !== "number") || (w < 0) ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Invalid width parameter"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + w = Math.floor(w); + if ( w > PS.GRID_MAX ) + { + w = PS.GRID_MAX; + } + + h = img.height; + if ( (typeof h !== "number") || (h < 0) ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "Invalid height parameter"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + h = Math.floor(h); + if ( h > PS.GRID_MAX ) + { + h = PS.GRID_MAX; + } + + // draw the image onto the offscreen canvas + + try + { + ctx = PS.ImageCanvas.getContext("2d"); + ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); + } + catch (err) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "failed @ 1 [" + err.message + "]"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + // fetch the data and return it + + try + { + imgData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, w, h); + } + catch (err2) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "failed @ 2 [" + err2.message + "]"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + // imgData is read-only for some reason + // so make a copy of it + + imgData2 = {}; + imgData2.width = imgData.width; + imgData2.height = imgData.height; + + d1 =; + len = d1.length; + d2 = []; // new data array + i = 0; + j = 0; + + // if alpha data is not wanted, remove it + + if ( !alpha ) + { + d2.length = (len / 4) * 3; + while ( i < len ) + { + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 1; + j += 1; + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 1; + j += 1; + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 2; // skip alpha + j += 1; + } + imgData2.pixelSize = 3; + } + else + { + d2.length = len; + while ( i < len ) + { + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 1; + j += 1; + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 1; + j += 1; + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 1; + j += 1; + d2[j] = d1[i]; + i += 1; + j += 1; + } + imgData2.pixelSize = 4; + } + + = d2; + return imgData2; +}; + +PS.ImageBlit = function ( imgdata, xpos, ypos ) +{ + "use strict"; + var fn, size, bytes, w, h, pixsize, ptr, drawx, drawy, i, j, r, g, b, a, k, bead; + + fn = "[PS.ImageBlit] "; + + // verify data format + + if ( typeof imgdata !== "object" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "parameter 1 is not a table"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + bytes =; // check this? + + w = imgdata.width; + if ( typeof w !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "imgdata.width is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + w = Math.floor(w); + if ( w < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "imgdata.width < 1"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + h = imgdata.height; + if ( typeof h !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "imgdata.height is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + h = Math.floor(h); + if ( h < 1 ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "imgdata.height < 1"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + pixsize = imgdata.pixelSize; + if ( (pixsize !== 3) && (pixsize !== 4) ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "invalid pixelSize"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + size = w * h * pixsize; + if ( bytes.length !== size ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "invalid data length [" + + "]"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + + if ( (xpos === undefined) || (xpos === PS.DEFAULT) ) + { + xpos = 0; + } + else if ( typeof xpos !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "parameter 2 is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + xpos = Math.floor(xpos); + + // exit if drawing off grid + + if ( (xpos >= PS.Grid.x) || ((xpos + w) < 1) ) + { + return true; + } + } + + if ( (ypos === undefined) || (ypos === PS.DEFAULT) ) + { + ypos = 0; + } + else if ( typeof ypos !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "parameter 3 is not a number"); + return PS.ERROR; + } + else + { + ypos = Math.floor(ypos); + + // exit if drawing off grid + + if ( (ypos >= PS.Grid.y) || ((ypos + h) < 1) ) + { + return true; + } + } + + ptr = 0; + drawy = ypos; + for ( j = 0; j < h; j += 1 ) + { + drawx = xpos; + if ( drawy >= PS.Grid.y ) // exit if off bottom of grid + { + break; + } + if ( drawy >= 0 ) // is this row visible? + { + for ( i = 0; i < w; i += 1 ) + { + if ( (drawx >= 0) && (drawx < PS.Grid.x) ) + { + r = bytes[ptr]; + if ( typeof r !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "non-numeric red at position " + ptr); + return PS.ERROR; + } + r = Math.floor(r); + if ( r < 1 ) + { + r = 0; + } + else if ( r > 255 ) + { + r = 255; + } + + g = bytes[ptr + 1]; + if ( typeof g !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "non-numeric green at position " + ptr); + return PS.ERROR; + } + g = Math.floor(g); + if ( g < 1 ) + { + g = 0; + } + else if ( g > 255 ) + { + g = 255; + } + + b = bytes[ptr + 2]; + if ( typeof b !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "non-numeric blue at position " + ptr); + return PS.ERROR; + } + b = Math.floor(b); + if ( b < 1 ) + { + b = 0; + } + else if ( b > 255 ) + { + b = 255; + } + + if ( pixsize === 4 ) + { + a = bytes[ptr + 3]; + if ( typeof a !== "number" ) + { + PS.Oops(fn + "non-numeric alpha at position " + ptr); + return PS.ERROR; + } + a = Math.floor(a / 2.55); // convert 0-255 range to 0-100 + if ( a < 1 ) + { + a = 0; + } + else if ( a > PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) + { + a = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + } + } + else + { + a = PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA; + } + + k = drawx + (drawy * PS.Grid.x); // get index of bead + bead = PS.Grid.beads[k]; + + bead.dirty = true; // mark this bead as explicitly colored + if ( a < PS.DEFAULT_ALPHA ) // Calc new color based on alpha-adjusted color of existing bead + { + bead.alphaRed = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgRed, bead.alphaRed, a ); + bead.alphaGreen = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgGreen, bead.alphaGreen, a ); + bead.alphaBlue = PS.Dissolve( PS.Grid.bgBlue, bead.alphaBlue, a ); + bead.color = PS.RGBString( bead.alphaRed, bead.alphaGreen, bead.alphaBlue ); + } + else + { + bead.alphaRed = r; + bead.alphaGreen = g; + bead.alphaBlue = b; + bead.color = PS.RGBString( r, g, b ); + } + + // Do NOT change alpha value of existing bead! + + = r; + = g; + = b; + + if ( bead.visible ) + { + bead.flashPhase = 100; // stops flash in progress + bead.colorNow = bead.color; + PS.DrawBead(bead); + } + } + ptr += pixsize; + drawx += 1; + } + } + else + { + ptr += (w * pixsize); // skip this row + } + drawy += 1; + } + + return true; +};