Enjoyable Icon

Keyboard Events

Enjoyable supports mapping joystick buttons, hat switches, and axis thresholds to simulate keyboard keys. First disable mapping by deactivating the ▶ button in the top left. Then press the button on the joystick you want to map. This will select it on the left-hand side of the screen.

If the button wasn't mapped or was mapped to a key press already, the key input field activates and you can simply press the key you want to use. Otherwise, click on the Press a key label or input field, then press the key.

To change a key without disabling mapping you can choose the input's entry in the sidebar directly.

Clearing the Selection

To clear a mapped key either select the Do nothing option or press ⌥⌫ when the key input field is selected.

Cancelling the Selection

If you select the key input field by mistake you can press ⌥⎋ to cancel the selection without changing the current setting.