// // NJInputController.m // Enjoyable // #import "NJInputController.h" #import "NJMapping.h" #import "NJDevice.h" #import "NJInput.h" #import "NJOutput.h" #import "NJEvents.h" #import @interface NJInputController () - (void)updateContinuousOutputs; @end static CVReturn displayLink_update_cb(CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink, const CVTimeStamp *inNow, const CVTimeStamp *inOutputTime, CVOptionFlags flagsIn, CVOptionFlags *flagsOut, void *ctxManager) { NJInputController *manager = (__bridge NJInputController *)ctxManager; [manager performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateContinuousOutputs) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; return kCVReturnSuccess; } @implementation NJInputController { NJHIDManager *_HIDManager; NSMutableArray *_continousOutputs; NSMutableArray *_devices; NSMutableArray *_mappings; NJMapping *_manualMapping; CVDisplayLinkRef displayLink; } #define NSSTR(e) ((NSString *)CFSTR(e)) - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { _devices = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; _continousOutputs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32]; CVReturn error = CVDisplayLinkCreateWithActiveCGDisplays(&displayLink); if (error) { [self.delegate inputController:self didError:[NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:error userInfo:nil]]; NSLog(@"DisplayLink failed creation with error: %d.", error); displayLink = NULL; } CVDisplayLinkSetOutputCallback(displayLink, displayLink_update_cb, (__bridge void *)self); _HIDManager = [[NJHIDManager alloc] initWithCriteria:@[ @{ NSSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey) : @(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop), NSSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey) : @(kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick) }, @{ NSSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey) : @(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop), NSSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey) : @(kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad) }, @{ NSSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey) : @(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop), NSSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey) : @(kHIDUsage_GD_MultiAxisController) } ] delegate:self]; _mappings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; _currentMapping = [[NJMapping alloc] initWithName: NSLocalizedString(@"(default)", @"default name for first the mapping")]; _manualMapping = _currentMapping; [_mappings addObject:_currentMapping]; // The HID manager uses 5-10ms per second doing basically // nothing if a noisy device is plugged in (the % of that // spent in input_callback is negligible, so it's not // something we can make faster). I don't really think that's // acceptable, CPU/power wise. So if simulation is disabled // and the window is closed, just switch off the HID manager // entirely. This probably also has some marginal benefits for // compatibility with other applications that want exclusive // grabs. [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(stopHidIfDisabled:) name:NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification object:nil]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(startHid) name:NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification object:nil]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter removeObserver:self]; if (displayLink) { CVDisplayLinkStop(displayLink); CVDisplayLinkRelease(displayLink); } } - (void)addRunningOutput:(NJOutput *)output { // Axis events will trigger every small movement, don't keep // re-adding them or they trigger multiple times each time. if (![_continousOutputs containsObject:output]) [_continousOutputs addObject:output]; if (displayLink && !CVDisplayLinkIsRunning(displayLink)) { CVDisplayLinkStart(displayLink); } } - (void)runOutputForDevice:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device value:(IOHIDValueRef)value { NJDevice *dev = [self findDeviceByRef:device]; NJInput *mainInput = [dev inputForEvent:value]; [mainInput notifyEvent:value]; NSArray *children = mainInput.children ? mainInput.children : mainInput ? @[mainInput] : @[]; for (NJInput *subInput in children) { NJOutput *output = self.currentMapping[subInput]; output.magnitude = subInput.magnitude; output.running = subInput.active; if ((output.running || output.magnitude) && output.isContinuous) [self addRunningOutput:output]; } } - (void)showOutputForDevice:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device value:(IOHIDValueRef)value { NJDevice *dev = [self findDeviceByRef:device]; NJInput *handler = [dev handlerForEvent:value]; if (!handler) return; [self.delegate inputController:self didInput:handler]; } - (void)HIDManager:(NJHIDManager *)manager valueChanged:(IOHIDValueRef)value fromDevice:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device { if (self.simulatingEvents && !NSApplication.sharedApplication.isActive) { [self runOutputForDevice:device value:value]; } else { [self showOutputForDevice:device value:value]; } } - (void)addDevice:(NJDevice *)device { BOOL available; do { available = YES; for (NJDevice *used in _devices) { if ([used isEqual:device]) { device.index += 1; available = NO; } } } while (!available); [_devices addObject:device]; } - (void)HIDManager:(NJHIDManager *)manager deviceAdded:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device { NJDevice *match = [[NJDevice alloc] initWithDevice:device]; [self addDevice:match]; [self.delegate inputController:self didAddDevice:match]; } - (NJDevice *)findDeviceByRef:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device { for (NJDevice *dev in _devices) if (dev.device == device) return dev; return nil; } - (void)HIDManager:(NJHIDManager *)manager deviceRemoved:(IOHIDDeviceRef)device { NJDevice *match = [self findDeviceByRef:device]; if (match) { NSInteger idx = [_devices indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:match]; [_devices removeObjectAtIndex:idx]; [self.delegate inputController:self didRemoveDeviceAtIndex:idx]; } } - (void)updateContinuousOutputs { self.mouseLoc = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; for (NJOutput *output in [_continousOutputs copy]) { if (![output update:self]) { [_continousOutputs removeObject:output]; } } if (!_continousOutputs.count && displayLink) { CVDisplayLinkStop(displayLink); } } - (void)HIDManager:(NJHIDManager *)manager didError:(NSError *)error { [self.delegate inputController:self didError:error]; self.simulatingEvents = NO; if (displayLink) CVDisplayLinkStop(displayLink); } - (void)HIDManagerDidStart:(NJHIDManager *)manager { [self.delegate inputControllerDidStartHID:self]; } - (void)HIDManagerDidStop:(NJHIDManager *)manager { [_devices removeAllObjects]; if (displayLink) CVDisplayLinkStop(displayLink); [self.delegate inputControllerDidStopHID:self]; } - (void)startHid { [_HIDManager start]; } - (void)stopHid { [_HIDManager stop]; } - (void)setSimulatingEvents:(BOOL)simulatingEvents { if (simulatingEvents != _simulatingEvents) { _simulatingEvents = simulatingEvents; NSString *name = simulatingEvents ? NJEventSimulationStarted : NJEventSimulationStopped; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:name object:self]; if (!simulatingEvents && !NSApplication.sharedApplication.isActive) [self stopHid]; else [self startHid]; } } - (void)stopHidIfDisabled:(NSNotification *)application { if (!self.simulatingEvents && !NSProcessInfo.processInfo.isBeingDebugged) [self stopHid]; } - (NJInputPathElement *)elementForUID:(NSString *)uid { for (NJDevice *dev in _devices) { id item = [dev elementForUID:uid]; if (item) return item; } return nil; } - (NJMapping *)mappingForKey:(NSString *)name { for (NJMapping *mapping in _mappings) if ([name isEqualToString:mapping.name]) return mapping; return nil; } - (void)mappingsSet { [self postLoadProcess]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:NJEventMappingListChanged object:self userInfo:@{ NJMappingListKey: _mappings, NJMappingKey: _currentMapping }]; } - (void)mappingsChanged { [self save]; [self mappingsSet]; } - (void)activateMappingForProcess:(NSRunningApplication *)app { NJMapping *oldMapping = _manualMapping; NSArray *names = app.possibleMappingNames; BOOL found = NO; for (NSString *name in names) { NJMapping *mapping = [self mappingForKey:name]; if (mapping) { [self activateMapping:mapping]; found = YES; break; } } if (!found) { [self activateMapping:oldMapping]; if ([oldMapping.name.lowercaseString isEqualToString:@"@application"] || [oldMapping.name.lowercaseString isEqualToString: NSLocalizedString(@"@Application", nil).lowercaseString]) { oldMapping.name = app.bestMappingName; [self mappingsChanged]; } } _manualMapping = oldMapping; } - (void)activateMappingForcibly:(NJMapping *)mapping { NSLog(@"Switching to mapping %@.", mapping.name); _currentMapping = mapping; NSUInteger idx = [self indexOfMapping:_currentMapping]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter postNotificationName:NJEventMappingChanged object:self userInfo:@{ NJMappingKey : _currentMapping, NJMappingIndexKey: @(idx) }]; } - (void)activateMapping:(NJMapping *)mapping { if (!mapping) mapping = _manualMapping; if (mapping == _currentMapping) return; _manualMapping = mapping; [self activateMappingForcibly:mapping]; } - (void)save { NSLog(@"Saving mappings to defaults."); NSMutableArray *ary = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:_mappings.count]; for (NJMapping *mapping in _mappings) [ary addObject:[mapping serialize]]; [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setObject:ary forKey:@"mappings"]; } - (void)postLoadProcess { for (NJMapping *mapping in self.mappings) [mapping postLoadProcess:self.mappings]; } - (void)load { NSUInteger selected = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults integerForKey:@"selected"]; NSArray *storedMappings = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults arrayForKey:@"mappings"]; NSMutableArray* newMappings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:storedMappings.count]; for (NSDictionary *serialization in storedMappings) [newMappings addObject: [[NJMapping alloc] initWithSerialization:serialization]]; if (newMappings.count) { _mappings = newMappings; if (selected >= newMappings.count) selected = 0; [self activateMapping:_mappings[selected]]; [self mappingsSet]; } } - (NSInteger)indexOfMapping:(NJMapping *)mapping { return [_mappings indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:mapping]; } - (void)mergeMapping:(NJMapping *)mapping intoMapping:(NJMapping *)existing { [existing mergeEntriesFrom:mapping]; [self mappingsChanged]; if (existing == _currentMapping) [self activateMappingForcibly:mapping]; } - (void)renameMapping:(NJMapping *)mapping to:(NSString *)name { mapping.name = name; [self mappingsChanged]; if (mapping == _currentMapping) [self activateMappingForcibly:mapping]; } - (void)addMapping:(NJMapping *)mapping { [self insertMapping:mapping atIndex:_mappings.count]; } - (void)insertMapping:(NJMapping *)mapping atIndex:(NSInteger)idx { [_mappings insertObject:mapping atIndex:idx]; [self mappingsChanged]; } - (void)removeMappingAtIndex:(NSInteger)idx { NSInteger currentIdx = [self indexOfMapping:_currentMapping]; [_mappings removeObjectAtIndex:idx]; [self activateMapping:self.mappings[MIN(currentIdx, _mappings.count - 1)]]; [self mappingsChanged]; } - (void)moveMoveMappingFromIndex:(NSInteger)fromIdx toIndex:(NSInteger)toIdx { [_mappings moveObjectAtIndex:fromIdx toIndex:toIdx]; [self mappingsChanged]; } @end