--- /dev/null
+"""BulletML implementation.
+from __future__ import division
+import math
+from bulletml import parser, errors
+# TODO(jfw): This is very non-Pythonic, it's pretty much just the
+# BulletML reference ActionImpl translated to Python.
+class Action(object):
+ """Running action implementation."""
+ def __init__(self, owner, parent, actions, params, rank):
+ self.actions = actions
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.repeat = 0
+ self.wait_frames = 0
+ self.speed = 0
+ self.speed_frames = 0
+ self.aim_direction = 0
+ self.direction = 0
+ self.direction_frames = 0
+ self.aiming = False
+ self.aim_mx = 0
+ self.aim_my = 0
+ self.mx = 0
+ self.my = 0
+ self.owner = owner
+ self.accel_frames = 0
+ self.previous_fire_direction = 0
+ self.previous_fire_speed = 0
+ self.params = params
+ self.rank = rank
+ self.pc = -1
+ if parent:
+ self.copy_state(parent)
+ def vanish(self):
+ if self.parent:
+ self.parent.vanish()
+ self.repeat = 0
+ self.pc = None
+ def copy_state(self, other):
+ self.direction_frames = other.direction_frames
+ self.direction = other.direction
+ self.aiming = other.aiming
+ self.speed_frames = other.speed_frames
+ self.speed = other.speed
+ self.accel_frames = other.accel_frames
+ self.mx = other.mx
+ self.my = other.my
+ self.previous_fire_direction = other.previous_fire_direction
+ self.previous_fire_speed = other.previous_fire_speed
+ def step(self):
+ created = []
+ if self.speed_frames > 0:
+ self.speed_frames -= 1
+ self.owner.speed += self.speed
+ if self.direction_frames > 0:
+ self.direction_frames -= 1
+ if self.direction_frames <= 0:
+ if self.aiming:
+ self.owner.direction += self.owner.aim
+ else:
+ self.owner.direction += self.direction
+ if self.accel_frames > 0:
+ self.accel_frames -= 1
+ self.owner.mx += self.mx
+ self.owner.my += self.my
+ if self.pc is None:
+ return created
+ if self.wait_frames > 0:
+ self.wait_frames -= 1
+ return created
+ while True:
+ self.pc += 1
+ if self.pc >= len(self.actions):
+ self.repeat -= 1
+ if self.repeat <= 0:
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.parent.copy_state(self)
+ self.owner.replace(self, self.parent)
+ break
+ else:
+ self.pc = 0
+ action = self.actions[self.pc]
+ if isinstance(action, parser.Repeat):
+ repeat, (actions, params) = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ child = Action(self.owner, self, actions, params, self.rank)
+ child.repeat = repeat
+ self.owner.replace(self, child)
+ created.extend(child.step())
+ break
+ elif isinstance(action, (parser.ActionDef, parser.ActionRef)):
+ action, params = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ child = Action(self.owner, self, actions, params, self.rank)
+ self.owner.replace(self, child)
+ created.extend(child.step())
+ break
+ elif isinstance(action, (parser.FireDef, parser.FireRef)):
+ direction, speed, actions = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ if direction:
+ direction, type = direction
+ if type == "aim":
+ direction += self.owner.aim
+ elif type == "sequence":
+ direction += self.previous_fire_direction
+ elif type == "relative":
+ direction += self.owner.direction
+ else:
+ direction = self.owner.aim
+ self.previous_fire_direction = direction
+ if speed:
+ speed, type = speed
+ if type == "sequence":
+ speed += self.previous_fire_speed
+ elif type == "relative":
+ # FIXME(jfw): Reference impl uses prvFireSpeed
+ # here? That doesn't seem right at all.
+ speed += self.owner.speed
+ else:
+ speed = 1
+ self.previous_fire_speed = speed
+ bullet = Bullet(self.owner.x, self.owner.y, direction, speed,
+ self.owner.target, actions, self)
+ created.append(bullet)
+ elif isinstance(action, parser.ChangeSpeed):
+ frames, (speed, type) = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ self.speed_frames = frames
+ if type == "sequence":
+ self.speed = speed
+ elif type == "relative":
+ self.speed = speed / frames
+ else:
+ self.speed = (speed - self.owner.speed) / frames
+ elif isinstance(action, parser.ChangeDirection):
+ frames, (direction, type) = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ self.direction_frames = frames
+ self.aiming = False
+ if type == "sequence":
+ self.aiming = False
+ self.direction = direction
+ else:
+ if type == "absolute":
+ self.aiming = False
+ self.direction = (
+ direction - self.owner.direction) % 360
+ elif type == "relative":
+ self.aiming = False
+ self.direction = direction
+ else:
+ self.aiming = True
+ self.direction = (
+ direction
+ + self.owner.aim
+ - self.owner.direction) % 360
+ while self.direction > 180:
+ self.direction -= 360
+ while self.direction < -180:
+ self.direction += 360
+ self.direction /= self.direction_frames
+ elif isinstance(action, parser.Accel):
+ frames, horizontal, vertical = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ self.accel_frames = frames
+ if horizontal:
+ mx, type = horizontal
+ if type == "sequence":
+ self.mx = mx
+ elif type == "absolute":
+ self.mx = (mx - bullet.mx) / frames
+ elif type == "relative":
+ self.mx = mx / frames
+ if vertical:
+ my, type = vertical
+ if type == "sequence":
+ self.my = my
+ elif type == "absolute":
+ self.my = (my - bullet.my) / frames
+ elif type == "relative":
+ self.my = my / frames
+ elif isinstance(action, parser.Wait):
+ self.wait_frames = action(self.params, self.rank)
+ break
+ elif isinstance(action, parser.Vanish):
+ self.owner.vanish()
+ break
+ return created
+class Bullet(object):
+ """Simple bullet implementation."""
+ def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, direction=0, speed=0, target=None,
+ actions=(), parent=None):
+ self.x = self.px = x
+ self.y = self.py = y
+ self.mx = 0
+ self.my = 0
+ self.direction = direction
+ self.speed = speed
+ self.vanished = False
+ self.target = target
+ self.actions = []
+ if actions and not parent:
+ raise errors.Error
+ for action, params in actions:
+ self.actions.append(
+ Action(self, parent, action, params, parent.rank))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ("%s(%r, %r, accel=%r, direction=%r, speed=%r, "
+ "actions=%r, target=%r, vanished=%r)") % (
+ type(self).__name__, self.x, self.y, (self.mx, self.my),
+ self.direction, self.speed, self.actions, self.target,
+ self.vanished)
+ @property
+ def aim(self):
+ """Angle to the target."""
+ if self.target is None:
+ return self.direction
+ else:
+ return math.atan2(self.target.x - self.x, self.target.y - self.y)
+ def vanish(self):
+ """Vanish this bullet and stop all actions."""
+ self.vanished = True
+ for action in self.actions:
+ action.vanish()
+ self.actions = []
+ def replace(self, old, new):
+ try:
+ idx = self.actions.index(old)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.actions[idx] = new
+ def step(self):
+ created = []
+ for action in self.actions:
+ created.extend(action.step())
+ direction = math.degrees(self.direction)
+ self.x += self.mx + math.sin(direction) * self.speed
+ self.y += self.my + math.cos(direction) * self.speed
+ return created