video game which only supports mouse and keyboard input but you want
to use a joystick or gamepad, then Enjoyable is the program for you.
-Enjoyable supports multiple configurations (for different games or
-programs) and you can even map joystick buttons to change
-configurations on-the-fly.
+Enjoyable supports
+ * Mapping gamepad and joystick buttons to keyboard and mouse
+ actions
+ * Fine control over mouse movement and scrolling using analog axis
+ inputs
+ * Automatic and dynamic switching between different input mappings
+ * Downloading and sharing input presets for different applications
+ * Modern OS X features like resume and automatic termination
Enjoyable is free software written by Joe Wreschnig and is based on
the Enjoy codebase written by [Yifeng Huang](htty://
## How to Use
-At startup, and when Enjoyable is paused, press any button or move any
-analog stick to jump to the configuration for that button or stick.
-From there, select one of the mapping options from the choices on the
-To quickly map a joystick to keyboard actions, you can simply press
-the joystick button or axis, then the keyboard key you wish to map
-it to, and repeat.
-Once you've done that, click the Start button and begin using your
-joystick as a keyboard and mouse.
-If you name a configuration after the title of a program (e.g. what
-appears when you hover over it in the dock) that configuration will
-automatically be selected when you switch to that program.
-### Mouse Mapping Compatibility
-Enjoyable offers two mouse mapping modes: global and single-window.
-Enjoyable starts in global mode, but you can set any joystick button to
-the "toggle mouse scope" action, which will change the mode. If you
-are using Enjoy2 to play a video game, you may find that one or the
-other mode offers better compatibility with your game's specific
+To start, just press a button on your joystick or gamepad, then press
+the key you want to map it for. Then press the ▶ button and switch
+back to your game. For more details, Enjoyable has a in-application
+manual available in Help Viewer via `⌘?`.
## Requirements
* Mac OS X 10.7+
-* HID-compatible (e.g. USB or Bluetooth) input device
-## Changes
-Version 1
-* Forked from Enjoy/Enjoy2. The code has been modernized and optimized.
- Many bugs and UI issues were fixed.
+* One or more HID-compatible (e.g. USB or Bluetooth) input devices
## License
-Enjoyable is based on Enjoy and Enjoy2, by Sam McCall and Yifeng Huang.
Copyright 2013 Joe Wreschnig
2012 Yifeng Huang
2009 Sam McCall, University of Otago