from __future__ import division
-from math import atan2, sin, cos, pi as PI
+from math import atan2, sin, cos
from bulletml import parser
-PI_2 = PI * 2
__all__ = ["Action", "Bullet"]
class Action(object):
"""Running action implementation.
- To implement new actions,
+ To implement new actions, add a new element/class pair to
+ parser.ActionDef.CONSTRUCTORS. It should support FromXML,
+ __getstate__, and __setstate__, and 5-ary __call__:
- - Add a new element/class pair to parser.ActionDef.CONSTRUCTORS.
- It should support FromXML, __getstate__, and __setstate__.
- - Subclass impl.Action and override the 'handle' method to handle
- your custom action type.
- - Pass the impl.Bullet constructor your Action subclass when
- creating your root Bullet.
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created)
- Or, for very simple actions, add it to the Action.CUSTOM
- dictionary. The key should be the type of the action and the
- value a 3-ary callable that recieves the Action instance, the
- owner, and a list to append created bullets to.
- """
+ Which will be called to execute it. This function should modify
+ owner, action, and created in-place, and return true if action
+ execution should stop for this bullet this frame.
- CUSTOM = {}
+ """
def __init__(self, owner, parent, actions, params, rank, repeat=1):
self.actions = actions
self.pc = 0
action = self.actions[self.pc]
- if isinstance(action, parser.Repeat):
- repeat, (actions, params) = action(s_params, rank)
- child = self.__class__(
- owner, self, actions, params, rank, repeat)
- owner.replace(self, child)
- child.step(owner, created)
- break
- elif isinstance(action, (parser.ActionDef, parser.ActionRef)):
+ if isinstance(action, (parser.ActionDef, parser.ActionRef)):
actions, params = action(s_params, rank)
child = self.__class__(owner, self, actions, params, rank)
owner.replace(self, child)
child.step(owner, created)
- elif isinstance(action, (parser.FireDef, parser.FireRef)):
- direction, speed, offset, tags, appearance, actions = action(
- s_params, rank)
- if direction:
- direction, type = direction
- if type == "aim" or type is None:
- direction += owner.aim
- elif type == "sequence":
- direction += self.previous_fire_direction
- elif type == "relative":
- direction += owner.direction
- else:
- direction = owner.aim
- self.previous_fire_direction = direction
- if speed:
- speed, type = speed
- if type == "sequence":
- speed += self.previous_fire_speed
- elif type == "relative":
- # The reference Noiz implementation uses
- # prvFireSpeed here, but the standard is
- # pretty clear -- "In case of the type is
- # "relative", ... the speed is relative to the
- # speed of this bullet."
- speed += owner.speed
- else:
- speed = 1
- self.previous_fire_speed = speed
- x, y = owner.x, owner.y
- if offset:
- off_x, off_y = offset(s_params, rank)
- if offset.type == "relative":
- s = sin(direction)
- c = cos(direction)
- x += c * off_x + s * off_y
- y += s * off_x - c * off_y
- else:
- x += off_x
- y += off_y
- if appearance is None:
- appearance = owner.appearance
- bullet = owner.__class__(
- x=x, y=y, direction=direction, speed=speed,
-, actions=actions, rank=rank,
- appearance=appearance, tags=tags, Action=self.__class__)
- created.append(bullet)
- elif isinstance(action, parser.ChangeSpeed):
- frames, (speed, type) = action(s_params, rank)
- self.speed_frames = frames
- if frames <= 0:
- if type == "absolute":
- owner.speed = speed
- elif type == "relative":
- owner.speed += speed
- elif type == "sequence":
- self.speed = speed
- elif type == "relative":
- self.speed = speed / frames
- else:
- self.speed = (speed - owner.speed) / frames
- elif isinstance(action, parser.ChangeDirection):
- frames, (direction, type) = action(s_params, rank)
- self.direction_frames = frames
- self.aiming = False
- if type == "sequence":
- self.direction = direction
- else:
- if type == "absolute":
- direction -= owner.direction
- elif type != "relative": # aim or default
- self.aiming = True
- direction += owner.aim - owner.direction
- # Normalize to [-pi, pi).
- direction = (direction + PI) % PI_2 - PI
- if frames <= 0:
- owner.direction += direction
- else:
- self.direction = direction / frames
- elif isinstance(action, parser.Accel):
- frames, horizontal, vertical = action(s_params, rank)
- self.accel_frames = frames
- if horizontal:
- mx, type = horizontal
- if frames <= 0:
- if type == "absolute":
- = mx
- elif type == "relative":
- += mx
- elif type == "sequence":
- = mx
- elif type == "absolute":
- = (mx - / frames
- elif type == "relative":
- = mx / frames
- if vertical:
- my, type = vertical
- if frames <= 0:
- if type == "absolute":
- = my
- elif type == "relative":
- += my
- elif type == "sequence":
- = my
- elif type == "absolute":
- = (my - / frames
- elif type == "relative":
- = my / frames
- elif isinstance(action, parser.Tag):
- owner.tags.add(action.tag)
- elif isinstance(action, parser.Untag):
- try:
- owner.tags.remove(action.tag)
- except KeyError:
- pass
- elif isinstance(action, parser.Wait):
- self.wait_frames = action(s_params, rank)
- break
- elif isinstance(action, parser.Vanish):
- owner.vanish()
+ elif action(owner, self, s_params, rank, created):
- elif isinstance(action, parser.Appearance):
- owner.appearance = action.appearance
- else:
- self.handle(action, owner, created)
- def handle(self, action, owner, created):
- """Override in subclasses for new action types."""
- try:
- handler = self.CUSTOM[type(action)]
- except KeyError:
- raise NotImplementedError(action.__class__.__name__)
- else:
- handler(self, owner, created)
class Bullet(object):
"""Simple bullet implementation.
actions - internal action list
Action - custom Action constructor
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0, direction=0, speed=0, target=None,
This is based on the format described at
-Unless you are adding support for new tags, the only class you should
-care about in here is BulletML.
+Unless you are adding support for new actions, the only class you
+should care about in here is BulletML.
from __future__ import division
-import math
+from math import sin, cos, radians, pi as PI
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
__all__ = ["ParseError", "BulletML"]
+PI_2 = PI * 2
class ParseError(Error):
"""Raised when an error occurs parsing the XML structure."""
return cls(element.get("type", default), NumberDef(element.text))
def __call__(self, params, rank):
- return (math.radians(self.value(params, rank)), self.type)
+ return (radians(self.value(params, rank)), self.type)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, type=%r)" % (
except UnboundLocalError as exc:
raise ParseError(str(exc))
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
- return self.term(params, rank), self.direction(params, rank)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ frames = self.term(params, rank)
+ direction, type = self.direction(params, rank)
+ action.direction_frames = frames
+ action.aiming = False
+ if type == "sequence":
+ action.direction = direction
+ else:
+ if type == "absolute":
+ direction -= owner.direction
+ elif type != "relative": # aim or default
+ action.aiming = True
+ direction += owner.aim - owner.direction
+ # Normalize to [-pi, pi).
+ direction = (direction + PI) % PI_2 - PI
+ if frames <= 0:
+ owner.direction += direction
+ else:
+ action.direction = direction / frames
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(term=%r, direction=%r)" % (
except UnboundLocalError as exc:
raise ParseError(str(exc))
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
- return self.term(params, rank), self.speed(params, rank)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ frames = self.term(params, rank)
+ speed, type = self.speed(params, rank)
+ action.speed_frames = frames
+ if frames <= 0:
+ if type == "absolute":
+ owner.speed = speed
+ elif type == "relative":
+ owner.speed += speed
+ elif type == "sequence":
+ action.speed = speed
+ elif type == "relative":
+ action.speed = speed / frames
+ else:
+ action.speed = (speed - owner.speed) / frames
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(term=%r, speed=%r)" % (
"""Construct using an ElementTree-style element."""
return cls(INumberDef(element.text))
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
- return self.frames(params, rank)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ action.wait_frames = self.frames(params, rank)
+ return True
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r)" % (type(self).__name__, self.frames)
"""Construct using an ElementTree-style element."""
return cls(element.text)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ owner.tags.add(self.tag)
class Untag(object):
"""Unset a bullet tag."""
"""Construct using an ElementTree-style element."""
return cls(element.text)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ try:
+ owner.tags.remove(self.tag)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
class Appearance(object):
"""Set a bullet appearance."""
"""Construct using an ElementTree-style element."""
return cls(element.text)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ owner.apearance = self.appearance
class Vanish(object):
"""Make the owner disappear."""
def __repr__(self):
return "%s()" % (type(self).__name__)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ owner.vanish()
+ return True
class Repeat(object):
"""Repeat an action definition."""
except UnboundLocalError as exc:
raise ParseError(str(exc))
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
- return self.times(params, rank), self.action(params, rank)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ repeat = self.times(params, rank)
+ actions, params = self.action(params, rank)
+ child = action.__class__(
+ owner, action, actions, params, rank, repeat)
+ owner.replace(action, child)
+ child.step(owner, created)
+ return True
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, %r)" % (type(self).__name__, self.times, self.action)
except AttributeError:
raise ParseError
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
frames = self.term(params, rank)
horizontal = self.horizontal and self.horizontal(params, rank)
vertical = self.vertical and self.vertical(params, rank)
- return frames, horizontal, vertical
+ action.accel_frames = frames
+ if horizontal:
+ mx, type = horizontal
+ if frames <= 0:
+ if type == "absolute":
+ = mx
+ elif type == "relative":
+ += mx
+ elif type == "sequence":
+ = mx
+ elif type == "absolute":
+ = (mx - / frames
+ elif type == "relative":
+ = mx / frames
+ if vertical:
+ my, type = vertical
+ if frames <= 0:
+ if type == "absolute":
+ = my
+ elif type == "relative":
+ += my
+ elif type == "sequence":
+ = my
+ elif type == "absolute":
+ = (my - / frames
+ elif type == "relative":
+ = my / frames
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, horizontal=%r, vertical=%r)" % (
doc._fires[element.get("label")] = fire
return fire
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
direction, speed, tags, appearance, actions = self.bullet(params, rank)
if self.direction:
direction = self.direction(params, rank)
tags = tags.union(self.tags)
if self.appearance:
appearance = self.appearance
- return direction, speed, self.offset, tags, appearance, actions
+ if direction:
+ direction, type = direction
+ if type == "aim" or type is None:
+ direction += owner.aim
+ elif type == "sequence":
+ direction += action.previous_fire_direction
+ elif type == "relative":
+ direction += owner.direction
+ else:
+ direction = owner.aim
+ action.previous_fire_direction = direction
+ if speed:
+ speed, type = speed
+ if type == "sequence":
+ speed += action.previous_fire_speed
+ elif type == "relative":
+ # The reference Noiz implementation uses
+ # prvFireSpeed here, but the standard is
+ # pretty clear -- "In case of the type is
+ # "relative", ... the speed is relative to the
+ # speed of this bullet."
+ speed += owner.speed
+ else:
+ speed = 1
+ action.previous_fire_speed = speed
+ x, y = owner.x, owner.y
+ if self.offset:
+ off_x, off_y = self.offset(params, rank)
+ if self.offset.type == "relative":
+ s = sin(direction)
+ c = cos(direction)
+ x += c * off_x + s * off_y
+ y += s * off_x - c * off_y
+ else:
+ x += off_x
+ y += off_y
+ if appearance is None:
+ appearance = owner.appearance
+ bullet = owner.__class__(
+ x=x, y=y, direction=direction, speed=speed,
+, actions=actions, rank=rank,
+ appearance=appearance, tags=tags, Action=action.__class__)
+ created.append(bullet)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(direction=%r, speed=%r, bullet=%r)" % (
return fired
- def __call__(self, params, rank):
- return, rank), rank)
+ def __call__(self, owner, action, params, rank, created):
+ params = self.params(params, rank)
+ return, action, params, rank, created)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(params=%r, fire=%r)" % (